
August 28, 2005


Usually when I sit to paint I have already several ideas that are bursting out of my head. I sketch a few things, and some others just go directly into the canvas.
I like to collect pictures, clippings, my own pictures and quick sketches done when I happen to see something I like, even if it's just a sentence, to remind me later of the image that caught my attention.

It's funny. Years ago, when I was living in Mexico and ALL my friends were artists -what a blast!- each of us had a different way of doing their thing.

A musician friend of mine who is also a composer, had always a little notebook in his pocket and he'd get it and write something fast to write more in detail about it later. Some other friends would be more like a hands on work at the moment without previous thoughts to make their art.

At that time I had a graphic design studio and there was always something going on. Either a group of actors rehearsing for a play, my clay group mixing mud to make masks or getting together to finish a project.

My old town has 5 big universities and tons of students from many states and countries. I had friends from Panama, Venezuela, Argentina, Spain, the US and some other places I can't remember at the moment. Most of us moved away from there, a lot of us got married and started a family, some of them made a strong professional carrer out of their artistic talents.

It is a pleasure to see them again when there's a chance. They are still a great source of inspiration.


August 24, 2005

Oil painting

After 3 months I am re opening my oil paint tubes. I was missing the buttery texture. I prefer the water mixable kind. I have read opposite opinions about them, but I have to say I love them! I don't see myself ever using turpentine or any other smelly thing. Even the new kind that doesn't smell as bad, still has an odor. I rather mix with linseed oil and water.

I just have been working with acrylics so much lately and I love them, but there's a different feeling altogether. Even with mediums the acrylic goes faster which is why I like them so much, but somehow oils are still a mystery to me.

I am currently working on a 20x16 mermaid painting. I was inspired by some sculptures even when at the end my sketch did not look at all like the figures. I was going to take a picture when it was just a sketch, but got so excited that couldn't let go of the paint brush!

I still have no idea where that digital camera went.... but when I find it I will post a picture here.
So far I have the background water and the mermaid's tale.
Here's the picture of an art card I sold in my auctions. How many times can I say I love Art Cards without sounding too repetitious? lol

August 23, 2005

Back to school

Well, in general the going back to school has left me with more time to paint.
I was going to enter a few things to the county fair, but unfortunately I forgot the last day was today.
I went to the art gallery with my friend from Venezuela and had a blast.
I discover a new artist in town, so cool! He's latin too and you can see it all over his paintings.
It was there, chatting with one of the gallery members, that I learn it was the last day to sign up for the fair thingie. Oh well.... I was lazy to rush to get there across town.

I am from a HUGE city (it was about 4 million people when I moved out of there), and everything that is "close" it's about 30/40 minutes from home.
We moved to this city with less than half a million people and now I feel anything farther than 10 minutes is too far away!! LOL Isn't that crazy?
People here complain of lines... man, for me a long line was when it was more than 15 people!
The sad part is that there isn't as much art around here.

I placed more art cards today in my auctions, and send a bunch to the card swap group. I am dieing to see the ones I will get from the other artists!!
I tried to get from all kinds of styles and countries too. This is such a thrill. Christmas in summer!

I wonder if this thing has a spell checker.... I know I need one.

August 20, 2005

The art card competition

I am currently participating on an Art Card "theme week" at ebay, where the subject is Nursery Rhymes. Almost all of mine are funny:
I have a few links here that will end by the 24 of August 2005 I think:

Here's my Humpty Dumpty

Here my Miss Muffet version:

Black Sheep


One two buckle my show

Life is but a dream...

All the cards participating are great. They go from .99 cents to close to 100.00!
It'll be fun to see who's the winner

August 11, 2005