
January 25, 2007

2007 stuff

Well, I had the best intention of sitting and blogging, specially after I listed a few things on ebay and wagglepop but unfortunately life gets in the way ;oP
So anyway, January 2007 is almost over and I am ready for Spring.

Warm weather: I love it! Heat does not bother me as much as cold. I take a hot day over a cold one any time! Particularly at the moment, after the icy weather here in California.

You know, I live in the dessert part of California, we are not used to walk on ice, specially not run on ice at 7:20 AM.  Therefore when presented with those circumstances, it's not so surprising to say I fell flat on my butt the other day while running on ice. :o(

What is funny, is that I was trying to help my son (who fell while running to get to the school bus) but unfortunately for me, I thought he tripped with the backpack. Too late I realized it was the ice on the sidewalk that made him fall, as my feet were flying up in the air and my bottom landing hard on the concrete. Ouch is right.
If I had known, I would've never run. Same for the lady driver who didn't expect ice either, came running to our rescue and almost fell on top of us LOL ..... just like one of those really silly movies from Charlie Chaplin, we just needed the cake smacking.

Needless to say: that day my son did not make it to school on time. He wore a knee support for a couple of days and still has a bruise.
I only have to take it easy for the next few weeks, walk slow, sit funny and be thankful that nothing broke.

By the way, I didn't know they don't even take tail bone X-rays any more! Since they can't do anything about it, it doesn't matter if you broke it!

As I said.... I am ready for the warm weather! :o)

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!