
October 4, 2007

A fairy doll that flew away in a hurry

The past weekend I was uploading the little Fairy doll on etsy in the morning. That same day by mid-afternoon she was sold!
She's gone to Kansas to her new home.

That was a record for me.

One of the projects I have going on, is making 3D dolls of my niƱas, and of course my Fridas.
I have been surfing for tips and materials, as I want to make them more with more detail.

Also, for the 3 people that read my blog: what do you think of the new colors? I have been messing around with the html since last night, but unfortunately something happened to my sidebar! LOL It looks weird in the explorer! Seems fine in Firefox, so I don't know for sure if it was my doing, or the browser's.
oh, technology, gotta love it.....

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!