
November 27, 2007


Hey! I have 4 readers now! Queenie told me she's visiting my blog!

Well, I thought there were four readers untill I noticed my cat has not been reading, He's only looking at the pictures...!!
... Darn cats, you can't ever trust them!

Well anyway, here I am with a new auction. And what's in the auction? Cats of course!!

They are a cute and noisy pair. Frida and Diego cat. He's wearing a bell, so the birdies know when he's coming.
You can see the auction HERE and a little VIDEO HERE

1 comment:

Vera Lucia Emerim said...

Now I can see your blog and comments. It seems fine.
I love these two kitties.

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I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!