
December 21, 2007

Christmas tree and general sillyness

Here's a picture of our Christmas tree.

And here's how it looks like if you wiggle the camera and play with the lights:

And here is a FUN link of how to decorate your tree if you are still not done with it.
Click HERE and enjoy.

December 17, 2007

Good bye 2007

I was reading a site about artist's blog block and how to brake the blog block with creative ideas and bring more visitors to your site. Imagine my delight!

Just when I thought all my blog problems were solved.... the postings end abruptly on September because the writter got a block and stopped posting. lol

People! c'mon! What happened to the inspiration? I know in my case eating Christmas cookies takes all my spare time at this time of the year, but hey, I have the huge responsability to keep my 3 readers up to date. So here I am (crunchin' while typing) looking busy....

Now, for the real content of today's blogging: Ta daaaaaa:
There's a great doll event from MRSBO coming this January, on the 31th.
Hhmmm... What is MRSBO? you might ask yourself suspiciously... Well, it is a group that I have been mentioning many times by now if you were really paying attention! (excuse me, that was for my cat, who was only pretending to read here) No, they won't have any tuna either.

And what's the event about?

Well, Mr. Pringle's Society of Feeble Prestidigitators is sponsoring a fund-raiser for the little MRSBO orphan dolls. All members have attempted to conjure up a doll to be sold for charity, but there is something very odd about every one of them!

You have to search MRSBO that day to see what each artist of our group came up with!
Want to take a pick at what I will be presenting for auction?

This is Cordelia.

She heard something about The Orphanage having some dolls, and she took the long walk to go there and get herself one.

You'll have to excuse us here. Cordelia is still bald, undressed and doll-less, but we are working on those matters.


On a sad note, I want to say that I will miss Dan Fogelberg and all the music he still had in him.

December 1, 2007

Damiana's disappointing present

Here is little Damiana!

Ayala Art
Also here's THE VIDEO:

And now, the story I wrote for her:

Damiana's Disappointing Present

Damiana had very high hopes for this coming Christmas.
She had been a very good girl all year. Almost all year.

Outside it had been snowing and snowing, and snowing some more. That was good. It covered all those holes in the garden, and the new temporary ugly patch on the wall of the kitchen.
The Orphanage was not one of the warmest places in town to begin with, what was another little hole in the wall? At least there was a roof over their heads.
Damiana was sure no one would remember those past unfortunate incidents

Like the crickets in Mrs. Blatherby's bedroom. It had been Damiana’s attempt to bring the outdoors in. Plus they made fun pets too. They seemed to not like real food. They didn’t even touch the oniony liver she left for them under Mrs. Blathersby’s bed.
They mostly wanted to eat cotton fabric, so it was not an extra expense. There was plenty of cotton around the principal’s room.
And they were so cheerful singing all the time. Especially at night, hop-hop-hopping here and there.

The muddy flood in the music room had been a failed attempt at decoration. She wanted to make a water fountain by the piano, because it is so nice to hear the tinkling of crystal clear water falls and piano music notes…
It had been a lot of work, too: making all those holes in the yard to gather the water outside, then carrying it up bucket by bucket since the room was on the second floor.
Regrettably the water was not so clear at that point anymore, therefore it did not tinkle quite as expected.
But that was a different matter altogether.
Unfortunately the nuns did not agree with the tinkling, the holes in the garden, the muddy stairs, or the messy piano keys.

And that accident in the kitchen? It was just that, an accident.
What’s a girl to do when her little hands and feet are cold and there’s a lonely fire in the kitchen, all alone in there? No one was using it, and it was too tiny a flame to warm up anything anyway. So… she made it bigger.

The cook, Mrs. Milleford Skimpole, said they would take weeks and weeks to fix that big gaping hole in the wall, get rid of the stench of smoke, and it would take forever to fix all the shattered glass in the windows.
The hinges on the back door were already stained, crooked and squeaky. Everybody knew that! … OK, maybe they were not so shrill before.

The worse insult for Mrs. Skimpole was that, after she complained bitterly about her Holiday Fruit-cakes being all ruined, burnt and soggy, little Damiana told her sweetly not to be sad, because absolutely no one would tell the difference.

The kitchen did not smell so bad to Damiana, just like extra-extra extra crispy gingerbread smoky cookies.

One teacher said Damiana was going to need a lot of luck-- a lot of real good, blessed and holy-water-sprinkled-on luck, to get anyone to adopt her now, with all this on her record.
So it was going to be boring in there, and maybe colder.

Oh, but how exciting it had been to wake up on Christmas morning! She got up fast, fast, fast and went running downstairs to open her present. She wanted to be the first one getting there and start unwrapping.
She opened it, and… what a disappointment!

A pair of socks?? An old pair of stinky socks! And not even a matching pair either! All year waiting… for this?
Well, if this is what you get after being so good all year, she was not going to behave anymore.

Humm… Where are those scissors?