
March 10, 2008

Spring is in the air

I love it when the trees start getting all covered in colors and new leaves. The plumbs are all pink, they look so silly this time of the year, but I love it.

I have some very exciting news!
Last month the art site Art And Craft Auctions was looking for a logo and guess who won?? It was great news!
They even opened a new doll area after I suggested it!
They are wonderful and have been working very hard at it. :oD

And talking about dolls, I have been working on the outfits of my polymer dolls.
In my opinion (but I am quite partial!) they look great lol
This is the little one, only 6.5 tall:

I will post a picture of the other one soon.
And don't be shy, feel free to leave me a comment!


Leola - Southshoreartist said...

Congratulations on winning the logo contest. I have used Arts&Craftauctions. I love the little doll and your blog!
Leola (southshoreartist)

BabesbyBarb said...

Martha she is adorable

BabesbyBarb said...

Martha your doll is very cute

Ayala Art said...

Thank you! :oD

Kelly Bell said...

Martha I love your doll and your blog. Kelly

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!