
August 25, 2008

Cover girl!

I'm so thrilled! My goblin doll is in the cover of one of my favorite groups!
I had just posted her pictures and I guess it was her.... hum...beautiful smile? that did it heheheheehe Or was it her pink hair? Not sure, but it sure was a nice surprise to find out, thank you guys!

I have been sculpting more dolls, I just have not list any of them yet.

August 16, 2008

Homepage Featured

My little doll Estevaliz was selected to be the featured doll in weetotsrus doll group. She's such a sweet little thing. I enjoyed making her from begening to end. Somewhere in the back postings I have her picture when she was still just a raw head of polymer :oP
I actually made the eyes in those days. Right now I've been using glass eyes. Seems easier to me, not to mention they look wonderful.
I love collecting wood carved angels and the one thing that always catches my eye are the glass eyes, they look alive and with a spark of magic. :oD

(Update Sept 5: the group no longer exsists)

August 13, 2008


I have been working on my website, but still don't upload the changes. I'd like to have everything ready and then have it up in one day, as opposed as working on it from the site and having it on hold for days (or weeks!) till I'm done remodeling.
I'm making my buttons and all. I have changed the colors and style so many times by now, I don't really know what it will look like at the end! LOL
This is the old look: