
October 5, 2008

Getting a bit cold?

I know, we are not supposed to complain about cold weather in this part of California, but, it got a bit cold in here. Instead of searing 100's we are now in the 80's, so it is a bit cooler! lol
Anyway, inspired by the weather (or dreaming, more like... we get about 3 molecules of snow every 10 years around here!) I finished finally my little Snow.
I've been working on her (and her little siblings) for a couple of weeks now, I'm very happy with the results.
For her cocoon, I was going to add some beads, but she doesn't need them after all, with that pretty glimerish fabric. So there's just a touch of blue to make her look like a baby ice princess ;oD


Flora said...

These dollies are too cute for words !!!!

Ayala Art said...

Thank you Flora! Great to hear from you!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!