
November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving and thank goodness for links

Here's a very pretty collection of leaves my daugther and I picked on one of our walks, hope you like them. I love the fall colors. So deep and dramatic!

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! We had a great time, and got to thank twice, since we went to visit family on Saturday and did almost the whole thing all over again. Except I did not over ate. That's just once a year and I was still paying for it lol :oP

Now, I am one that always keeps an eye on artsy and craftsy sites, and I found some very interesting things... Here are the links and please let me know what you think!

1- This is not new, but it's worth mentioning it. It's ALL ACEOs

2- Neat little place Doll Pile (growing fast!) for DOLLS

3-One site that allows you to use/link your etsy store ART FIRE you can list and buy ACEOs, sculpts, etc...more than art.

4- And..... one cool eye TUTORIAL by Rivkah Mizrahi.
I just love her dolls!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!