
May 19, 2009

Time sure flies!

These past weeks went up so fast and I was not even having fun! heheh OK, I had some fun, but I mayor and lesser dramas going on.
In no particular order: We went to a wedding, we had to get a math tutor, my husband was very ill with fever for a whole week, and my dishwasher is still broken and I am still waiting for that repair man.
Note, every situation was completely unrelated to each other. The only thing in common is that I was involved in there. Just in case you wondered. :oP

While waiting for the repair man I went on a sculpting frenzy, so here are the faces, the quarter is for reference, they are tiny!

Now I have to make the rest of the little body parts ;o)
OH!! And remember the little elf with no hair I posted not too long ago? She decided she wanted purple/pinkish hair and a hat. What do you think? I particularly think she looks darling with her hat on :o)
Next to her is her albino elf friend. He has been showing a bit of a tantrum... see the lip? hehehe

I almost didn't want to post, so that the ADO video was the posting on top, but I am about to finish the next video, so I may as well blog today. If you join ADO after watching my slide show, let them know it was because of me (Ayala Art) and they will give me a dollar per each new member. Just kidding!! hahahaha They won't give me anything but I will feel happy ;o)
I hope everyone will have a nice, healthy and safe Memorial weekend!