
July 11, 2009

WIP and stuff

It is hot out there, but that's ok with me!
I have been working off and on in my ADO project and other little things. Here's a WIP picture and he'll be ready tonight if I can handle the kids visits (which now include pets, mind you...) and cutting and stitching.

I found a new spot to take pictures and I've been trying to take better pictures as well. I love my light box but it was a bit limiting for some bigger things, so now I don't have walls in it, just the back drop. That way I can change backgrounds easier too.

I want to share some punch of energy with you all....
Panzon actually moved twice this week! LOL ... oh, who could live like a cat! (except for the nap-next-to-smelly-shoes part! ;o)

oh! I also added a "Label cloud" to my blog, on the right side, to find old postings easier and it looks cool. I thought it was going to be really hard, but it wasn't (cross your fingers it won't collapse on me!!) lol


Sharon said...

What a great blog, so cosy here and I enjoy your humour. Love your wee dolls, adorable :)

Ayala Art said...

Thank you Sharon! thanks for visiting! :oD

Janine said...

This little one looks so sweet

Catherine said...

Hi There,
I love your blog. I have so much to learn. And I love the new doll ! Told you that already! But he is just adorable! Hugs :))

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!