
September 16, 2009

Valeria ballerina and her friend Bunny

Valeria Ballerina can barely walk, but she loves dancing and playing with her white bunny...

She is listed on ebay

Now, for some people sewing is a relaxing easy hobby. For me? it's a love/hate relationship with my sewing machine. I love fabric, and I know a couple of things about patterns, but for tiny size dolls, gosh! I have a stressing time to try new things! :oP I was all happy to make a legless baby onesie.... well, after 3 days I gave up, and it ended up being a pretty cute set of.... long pants pajamas! LOL

1 comment:

Mayra René said...

Hola¡ te descubrí en blogspot, y te anexé a mi lista de dollmakers, esta muy lindo tu trabajo, me encanta la personalidad que le das a cada pieza mucha ternura, cosa que siento que yo no puedo lograr, mis muñecas estan muy duras de carácter, bueno eso es lo que pienso.
muchos saludos paisana!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!