
November 10, 2009

Three down...

Actually I should say four down and one more to go. But anyway, here is another picture with more tiny fairies done, they are a bit less than 3 inches tall. One of them has the tiniest leather shoes I ever made! I think they turned out cute, if I may say so myself :oP

I am also working on some bigger paperclay dolls, and I am holding myself from starting on an Izannah Walker inspired doll. I have the pattern and the general idea, but I need time because it requires a lot of sewing and I am not that fast at it....
But aren't they gorgeous!? Here's a PICTURE of one, from North dixie designs, in case you have not seen one before.

Keep making art and enjoy the autumn!


Janine said...

I love the little rascals.
They are so cute
have a great weekend

GlorV1 said...

That's a lot of work you have put into those little dolls. They are awesome. I gotta hand it to you, it takes a lot of patience to do the kind of work you do. Thank you for sharing. Have a great Sunday.

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!