
December 4, 2009

Bunch of mini-dramas

I had all kinds of mini dramas happening to me this past week.
First, the new attic door project.
That was such a messy business! plaster all over the place, insulation fluff everywhere, tools and chaos till it was done and painted (and little me doing the picking up of course :oP)

See the anime on the ceiling? That was my kid, she turned into Michael Angelo when she knew she had a chance to doodle with her pencil on the walls lol

Then it was the shocking surprise to see my favorite doll attacked by Panzon, who thought he didn't have enough toys I guess. All her hair was gone :oC

Just look at that face! like saying "What? I'm a cat!"

Also, I participated in a Christmas secret-friend, and the beautiful doll sent to me arrived here broken. :o( I swear we have gorillas and rhinos managing my postal office. Gosh! Fortunately I think I can fix her, but it was a sad thing to see.

This is what I made for my Christmas secret-friend. A portrait of her doggy that went to doggy heaven few weeks ago.

Hope she likes it!! I had not been painting for a while and almost forgot the pleasure of dragging the brush on the canvas...

Another mini drama was last night when my DH decided to have a bit of peanut butter and dropped the slippery glass jar on the floor... agh! there were shards of glass miles away from the jar, took lots of cleaning. I have you know, it's not a fun thing to do late at night LOL.... at least no one was barefooted!

On the lighter side, I listed some items online in Etsy, and ebay.(See the right side bar) Let's see how that goes. :o)

I took some outside pictures of my tiny fairies and I am very happy with the results, so I will have more listings soon.... Wish me luck!

What do you think? I love the tree bark texture!


GlorV1 said...

I love the tree bark texture as well and oh that little dollie got broken, how sad. Hope you can fix it. Sounds like you have a lot going on right now. That's a very nice painting you did for your friend. I'm sure she will love it. It's sad when one loses a family pet member, I still miss mine. Have a great weekend.

Janine said...

I hope everything calms down a little bit for you. Your friend will love the painting I am sure. It is so well down and your little elfes are charming as always.
Happy St. Nikolaus day

Unknown said...

Hang in there!!!! Really Cute painting, she'll LOVE IT!!!! and you will fix the baby doll, the drawing on the ceiling is actually great! My mom let me mural my room when i was a kid, they onl dealy was, i had to paint it when we moved. My friends loved it!!!! Yikes on the peanut butter jar, almost everything here is in plastic. Wow you had a pretty 'hairy' week, hope next week will be better!!!
Many Hugs,

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!