
January 15, 2010

Azura and her cupcake

This little thing is called Azura. Her hair is blue, her tutu is purple, her wings transparent and shiny. I offered her a cupcake and she climbed on my hand all smiles, but when I tried to take pictures of her without it, she almost bit me!

Listed HERE


DellaRae said...

How do you work so small? I just haven't mastered that yet. This baby is adorable!

GlorV1 said...

She is so tiny. Wow. I could never make anything as small as that. My fingers would cramp up and my eyes would cross. lol. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

Ayala Art said...

Della, I start by a very small tinsy armature, so I can't go any bigger, thank you!

Thanks Gloria! I am trying to make even smaller :oD

Janine said...

They are so darling .
How do you manage to make this small, little faces and hands and feets.
It´s amazing.
Have a great sunday.

Ayala Art said...

Thanks Janine!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!