
January 10, 2010

Sunday afternoon...

My ADO doll is currently waiting to finish drying so I can put her together and paint. I need to work on my journal too, but at least now I know how to do it, because even when I love the journals, my little hands have never made one so it's all new to me.
... Should I post a picture? Or leave you chewing on your nails, guessing?
hee hee hee XoD

Also, want to share 2 videos today, they are awesome!
One of them is all about dolls, so well done and a bit spooky:
Seems like the format is too wide, hopefully it will show ok.

The next one is funny about clay armatures, it's so cute and creative!

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Mayra René said...


el primer video es muy bueno, estaba muy emocionada al verlo pero cuando ya a punto de terminar el cortometraje,uuuuyy! me asusté!
no me agradó porque pienso que mucha gente le tiene miedo a las muñecas por estas historias o la de Coraline,
en fin! pero el caso es que el video esta muy bueno, muy bien realizado excelente, (excepto el final!)
Un abrazo y feliz año nuevo!

jasmoonbutterfly said...

I would like to leave my nails so please Martha pics please hee hee xxx
Trace x

Ayala Art said...

Muchas Gracias Mayra!! :o)
OK Trace, I want you to keep your nails LoL I'll post a picture XoD

LDahl said...

Thanks for posting 'Alma', fantastic work and story.♥

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!