
February 15, 2010

OWOH winners

How exciting it was going from blog to blog on the magic carpet of the OWOH event.
I couldn't visit all, but I think I went to like 400 blogs!
I shopped a little, followed new blogs, made new friends, drooled over a lot of giveaways... now it's time to post my winners!
I went to the random generator and this is the result:
34 Gloria in CA,
83 Kathy in NV
128 Robin in Israel
The emails have been sent and just in case someone doesn't answer in 3 days, I run a new number.
I am SO thrilled that I know one of them!!! the new are 2 new friends!
My thanks to Lisa who made it possible, to introduce so many people from so many places of the world.


Kathy said...

Yippie! I won....I won....I'm sooo very excited! Thanks so much! I sent you my address. If you need anything else let me know!

I love your work!

GlorV1 said...

It's me!! I went back and checked number 34 and it we gloria from CA. Ayeeeeeeeee! I'm a winner. Yay!! Thank you I will send you my email address. Oh it is so much fun winning stuff. I selected 3 winners and I didn't know any of them but I am glad they won too. Thank you very much. I will email you.

julietk said...

Congratulations to your lucky winners :-)

GlorV1 said...

Hi Martha. I just wanted to let you know that I received my beautiful painting and I am in awe of it. Does the painting have a title? Oh geez I really love it. I sat for the longest time just staring at it and looking at your techniques and realized that I have a lot to learn and I'm thankful for realizing that. I really appreciate this painting and I will continue to study it.
Yay, I'm a winner!! WooHoo!!

Ayala Art said...

Oh Gloria those are such sweet words! I'm happy you like her so much. She is a mermaid by the sea.

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!