
May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

Here is a "Cinco de Mayo" Frida. She will go to my Etsy soon, but I wanted to share this funny picture, kind of a creepy angle if you ask me:

I was taking the dolls photographs and I had an audience.
Well some people hire models, I have Panzón on the roof ha! I wanted to take a picture of him with a bandanna but he would have none of it. Dratted cat >^.^< hehehehe

So instead, I made a new avatar:


Campbell Jane said...

Cute photos! Happy Cinco De Mayo!

GlorV1 said...

I think that is a great photo of panzon with the flag. So cute. Have a great Thursday Martha. Take care.

Nicola said...

hahahah very cute indeed!!! :0)

Ayala Art said...

Thanks! :oD

Unknown said...

That is too cute!! I thought at first you had sculpted a
I can't believe how much he looks like my Harvey!!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!