
July 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Frida!

Today is Frida's Birthday, and I want to celebrate the month of July with a big invitation to all creative people,  to come join me making ACEOs with the theme Frida Kahlo. Make a portrait, or any art card based on her art and list is in any site (Art Fire, Etsy, Ebay, etc). I love collecting Fridas myself and it is such an inspiration to me an many others that this is going to be fun.

So, to participate, you have to make an ACEO Art card, any material, medium, style and number of pieces. Make it original, for this celebration!
List it anywhere you want, but please send me a link here in my blog so I can blog about it and post it on FB and twitter. Sound like fun?

Come and play, we have all month to create as many Frida inspired art as you like!

One of her Last Paintings


GlorV1 said...

Hi Martha. That painting as one of her last really shows the heated turmoil she was going through. It's almost like she just could not bear it any longer. It's so sad. Martha I did paint my interpretation but I don't do aceo's because they are just so small my fingers get arthritic. Tee hee. If you want me to contribute what I painted, It's on my blog right now. I'm not sure what I have to do. I'll have to read what you posted again.

Ayala Art said...

Yes, with so much medication and pain, she no longer was able to paint with her style and detail.
Gloria, have you done a collage? Maybe you can make an ACEO collage? if not, just paint whatever you like, that's fine with me, I'll go visit your blog or come and post the link so more people can visit your posting too. :oD

Heather said...

Oh, this is a lovely Frida! I (as many do) have an affinity for her. I wrote a paper on her for my college art history class ;)
Definitely check out Mad Men, it is enthralling! Thanks for the visit!~

Sally Hutson said...

Oh yes I'll do one ( or even some) Ayala.

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!