
July 17, 2010

Insert Reasonable Title Here

Note: skip this if you don't like to read strange postings.

I had been in a "sad and blue" mood for a few days, which is unusual as I am a happy and silly person, and love to laugh. But due to many little (and not so little) things happening around me, I had been feeling deflated and droopy. I don't like to blog about negative stuff so I have been avoiding posting.

I am better now, but from my little negative corner I even started to question my art. Why to do it? Why to even bother. I got depressed. Then I got angry.

I prefer to be angry in any case, you know? Because when we are sad we just plop and melt... but when we are angry we DO things (hopefully good things!) So I went all angrily stomping to clean my mess... Which made me feel better because I could finally see my stuff.
It was quite a bumpy road, and I am happy to be back to my normal self. Well, maybe "normal" is not the best word to use but whatever ;o)

Then next day I sold a doll and a painting in my Etsy shop... and next day I sold an ACEO in my ebay. That sure put a big smile on my face.

Seriously, it means the world to me! I printed that in stickers and and put it in my art pieces. It means the world to me.
I really mean it. Xo)

And in that cheerful mood, I will leave you with a cute picture:


Unknown said...

hey, anger will do it...whatever works for you! I am happy that you are not still feeling blue!

great big hugz

GlorV1 said...

What a smiling face your family pet member has, oh so happy. I do hope you are still feeling that way, happy and every minute counts, be it sad, angry, hurt, remorseful, hungry.:) I am happy that you have found some peace for a while. We all go through those times. I am going through one of those times right now but I keep busy and every morning I say my prayers and thank the lord for all he has blessed me with. Do you know that our family pet members can give us so much, so very much to make us feel like we are the best in everything we do. I always look into my Chocolatte's eyes and tell her, "look at me." She always turns to look at me and we stare at each other for a few secs, but those few secs open doors. Take it easy, paint, eat, play, paint, enjoy. Have a great Sunday.

The Creative Bohemian said...

I know that feeling. Sometimes it comes out of knowhere. I am glad to see you have gotten your mojo back!


Ayala Art said...

Diane, my head was so full of destruction and sadness, all those pictures of the Hurricane-turn-to-Tropical-Storm in Mexico really got to me. But things are being rebuilt, that's something :o/

Gloria, I think no one gets as happy to see me as Scruffie! hehehehe

Pam, thanks! I need a few of those :oD

Magic Love Crow said...

Hi Martha :O)

I'm glad you're feeling better and I'm sending you lots of hugs and good energy ;o)
Never doubt your art! I truly love it!!! You know I do ;o)
All The Best, Stacy

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!