
August 8, 2010

Blog anniversary Giveaway!

Wow... it's been 5 years that I started this blog! Thanks so much for the people that come here to read my posts, for the ones that come often and the those that come once a year. For those that comment, and those that are shy to do it, still makes me happy to see people visiting and hopefully having fun to read my blog.

So, in celebration, I am having this giveaway:
One 5x7 acrylic on canvas board painting titled "Sometimes..."
And two ACEO mini paintings "Sign of love" and "Woman and kitty"

That means three readers will have something in the mail if they are randomly selected the 15th of August.
Any country can participate!

Post a comment here to add your name to the giveaway, and if you blog about this giveaway let me know (in a different comment) so you have 2 chances to participate!


GlorV1 said...

Hi Martha. Hope it isn't too hot over there today. It's cool over here right now but it will get a little warm today, 90 or so. Yay...5 years. Congratulations! Happy Bloggie Anniversary. I'm glad I got to know you and yes, please enter me in your giveaway. It's always fun. Have a great Sunday.

GlorV1 said...

Okay Martha, I will add your giveaway to my sidebar so that one click will get blog world to your space. Ta Ta.

Ayala Art said...
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Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! 5 years blogging. While I haven't been a follower for that long, am so happy to have the opportunity to spend hours in your space. I love this blog! Your work is so, so inspiring. (still working on my Frida Kahlo-ish doll)


Glenna said...

Hi Martha! Wow congrats on your 5 Years of Blogging! Please do enter me in your giveaway. It is nice to know you and be a teammate of yours.

Unknown said...

I've blogged about your blog and giveaway here


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Happy Anniversary....5 years wow that's fantastic. I would love to be entered in this giveaway, thank you very much. I came because I say this on Gloria's post.

Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Martha ;o))
Happy 5 years ;o)) Please put my name in the giveaway ;o) You know how much I love your art! I have to say, if these paintings were in your shop, I would have bought them! LOL! I will comment on your giveaway in my blog, and I will tell you when I have it done, so you will know ;o)
All The Best and Keep On Smiling!!

Joumana said...

Congrats on the 5 years! I recently found your blog through your Etsy store. Please enter me in the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Loved checking the blog, thanks for sharing the celebrations with all, the dolls are so cool too!

michelleK said...

Happy 5 year anniversary! I love checking out your posts. It would be exciting to actually win a piece of your work!


Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Martha ;o) Please check out my blog ;o) See if you like what I did for your anniversary giveaway;o) Take Care

Pam of Always Artistic said...

Good luck with your sale Martha! Beautiful art!

BLUEYEDUCKstudios said...

love love love love <3

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Martha!!! 5 years and I can barely start are awesome! Love you!!!! Sherryberry

Sherry Titus Thomas said...

Happy Anniversary Martha!!! Love your blog! This is my 2nd comment I don't know where they disappear to! love you! Sherryberry

Theresa said...

Happy Blog anniversary! I found you via Paulette's group and your invitation! So happy to meet you. I am having a giveaway too! So drop by if you can! I love your dolls and all your creativity here!! ~Theresa

Duendes said...

Hi Martha, i visited your beautiful blog. Your creations are so cute.
Come to visit my blog (

Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary :)

Ashley said...

Happy Blog 5 Year Anniversary! That's so awesome! I'm almost on my 1 year.

Campbell Jane said...

Wow! FIVE years! 5 years ago I really didn't know what a blog really was. hahaha Congratulations my friend! Way to go & keep it going! Time really does fly when you're having fun.
Many Blessings
Campbell Jane

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I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!