
August 18, 2010

Victoria's story

Victoria is a doll made by DellaRae Dezigns, in Florida. She traveled to the UK to get painted by jasmoon-butterfly, and also got fabulous hair and fancy shoes. Then she came to visit me in California, and now is donning a cute dress and an even cuter hat. Oh, and she has a new friend... read all about it, this is the story I made for her:

After all her new mystical experiences, and learning about her gift back in England, she couldn’t wait to tell the whole world, and share all the magic she had in her… climbed up in a boat to cross the oceans and went the long way to far away lands…. The boat was old, creaky and a bit lonely. To pass the time Victoria started to whistle. Then she whistled some more.
After days became weeks of being on the boat alone and whistling she pretty much forgot how to talk, and all she could do was to whistle, so whistle she did. She whistled in the morning and she whistled in the evenings. She whistled when she was bored, happy or sad.
Finally after a long time, her boat arrived in California and she walked until she found a crowded place.
Once she found where tons of people would gather, Victoria decided to have a seat and share her gift.
So, she whistled.

People would come from far away to see the intriguing red haired whistling-beauty, and amongst the crowd was a rabid, ill tempered, little pooch, who people avoided at all costs. Even the dog catchers!
But the moment the dog heard that captivating whistling she was smitten.

The doggy wanted to be friends with Victoria, thus she began to dance and clap her muddy paws at the bit of the whistling. Unfortunately, no matter the amount of cuteness or sweetness this dog showed, people would not forgive her past actions (stealing pies, candy, even dentures!) However Victoria could see the beauty behind the teeth; plus she wanted a new show for her circus act. She called her Priscilla and gave her big red bows.

Not a single person would walk away without a smile after listening to Victoria and her new dog Priscilla. After a while she was a bit homesick so she took a plane to visit her folks back in Florida. She was changed, she was famous and she had a mission. She wanted to make her friends back in Florida happy.
Plus she wanted to show off her dancing puppy and her new dress.

The End


Magic Love Crow said...

Magnificent Martha!! So creative!! I love the story, the doll and the dog!!!

Ayala Art said...

Thanks! Xo)

Magic Love Crow said...

Martha, what happens with these dolls??

Ayala Art said...

Each doll goes back to the owner, we just ship them to the team members for each to work on the dolls, then we ship them to the next person till it gets back to their original creator :o)

Magic Love Crow said...

I think that's excellent!! Thanks ;o))

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!