
September 11, 2010

They are going fast!

I was going to post about the new ACEO listings of Halloween/Dia de los muertos art, in my Etsy Shop but half of them got sold within hours. So THANK YOU Beautiful buyers!!
Here are the finished ACEOs before I mail them, I tried to have them kind of like in the past picture :o}

I will list on ebay too, so keep an eye opened.


GlorV1 said...

They are beautiful Martha. Do you paint them on canvas first? I have a question, where is a good place to make prints? I've heard of a few place but I'm not sure. I'd appreciate an answer.

Ayala Art said...

Thanks Gloria! No, all of these are on heavy watercolor paper.
As for the prints... I don't really have not done prints, so I can't recommend a place :o(
I will check into that and see if I can come up with something for you.

GlorV1 said...

Thanks Martha, I appreciate that.

Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Martha, Love Them All ;o) Wink, Wink ;o)))

Ayala Art said...

Stacy, I have you baby crow right here next to my computer :oD

Magic Love Crow said...


LivArtNow said...

These are sooo cool and beautiful!! no wonder they sell fast :) Well done!!


Marlene said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog, allowed me to find yours. I love your little skellies, really cute.

Ayala Art said...

Hey Marlene! Thanks for visiting!

Anonymous said...

They became really colorful and beautiful!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!