
October 9, 2010

Our Birthday

Today is my birthday. And my daughter's birthday. And my dad's as well. Oh, and John Lennon's too.

My plans for the day? Going to the movies to see something silly, then lunch, most likely pizza or sub sandwiches; then coming home to listen to loud music while eating cake. All of this in the company of a bunch of 13 year old girls.... LoL
That should be invigorating ;o)

pic by Clk
We had a great time today. We went to see "You again" and I loved it, was really good and the end really punchy, great music! They had an Art show in the Plaza outside the movies and we went to see all the wonderful art, which was pastels on the parking lot black top. Such marvelous work, so sad to know they will wash out! There was live music too, they were playing The Beatles! It was a lot of fun. Lunch was fun too and when we came back home I had some pretty flowers waiting for me from my sweetheart :o)
Plus we had chocolate cake! 

 Another Update: 
Turns out that the Annoying Orange share's the same birthday too! LoL


Joji said...

Happy Birthday. Yeterday was my sons tommorow my brothers and monday my moms. So I know how you feel. Except I always have to throw the birthday bash...Whew...Geting ready today for tomorrow....I'm tired already.

GlorV1 said...

Martha, Happy Birthday to you, your daughter, your dad and definitely to John Lennon. Enjoy your day.

Nika said...

Happy Birthday :))Happy Birthday :))Happy Birthday :))Happy Birthday :))Happy Birthday :))Happy Birthday :))Happy Birthday :))


Magic Love Crow said...

Wow, what an exciting day Martha!! A Big Happy Birthday To Everyone ;o))) Make a BIG wish ;o)

Anonymous said...

HAPPIEST of HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to you & all the family with birthdays today!!! It's fun to celebrate in style (movies, subs & cake YUMMMM) with family and a bunch of happy people (keeps you young)!!!

LEFTZ said...

Goodness! Sorry that I'm late but happy b-day to all :)

Ayala Art said...

Thank you all, for your nice wishes and for stopping by. We had a lot of fun! :oD

Ayala Art said...

ArtTales it is never late to wish a happy day ;o) Thanks!

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday MArtha!! You are so special! I am sorry I am late !!
Hugs Cat

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!