
November 16, 2010


So after thinking about it off and on for literally months to no end, probably about a year... I decided to go blank. No background. In many monitors my background was not even visible... so some people won't see much change, salve the new banner.
Feels roomier in here! Goes better with my website too.
Good bye old look, you were very nice to me ;o)

Now I have to go around and do the other banners. I already changed my flickr and twitter.
Thanks for visiting!


Janine said...

I am thinking about going blanck myselfe.
It really looks good and pure

g!oW said...

It looks nice and the best part is it loads fast. :)
Some of the blogs I visit take forever to load and sometimes even cause my comp to freeze or do other strange things because of the graphics over-load or hugh photos. Maybe it's just my putter but still it happens.
I ♥ your blog!

GlorV1 said...

Hmmmmm. Now you got me thinking. I'll have to try this and see what it looks like and then decide. I think though, that the blog would load faster with a plain background. Have a great day, your blog always looks good either way.

GlorV1 said...

I changed my background too Martha. :) tee hee

Kim Vanlandingham said...

Everyone keeps saying that "white" is the new "black".

Ayala Art said...

Janine, give it a try, it is a big change but fun, you can always go back to color later :o)

Thanks GloW!

Gloria, I went to see it heheh

White is the new black? I thought pink was the new black! Maybe white is the new pink?? LoL

Magic Love Crow said...

Excellent Martha, I like ;oD

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!