
November 15, 2010

Featured, Revolution and Recycle day

I am being featured in this beautiful blog: Wymzee Art and Friends Thanks Linda!!!

Happy day of the Revolution to my Mexican friends! Not Independence day... not Cinco de Mayo, but Revolution day. Hope you enjoy the holidays. Many blessings, peace and love for that beautiful land.

Today we also celebrate the Recycling day. I just learn that thanks to WikiHow. I do. Cans, boxes, magazines, plastic, paper... you name it, I recycle!

Over the weekend at the book store, I bought the most beautiful recycled paper art journal.
Which brings me back to the original idea of posting a painting that I am recycling:

I painted it years ago, took it to the County Fair, got a little ribbon for it, listed it online and didn't reach my reserved price. It went to the closet for a while till I decided where to hang it or to list it again.
Well, years later it is still waiting and I don't paint that way anymore. In fact I have not opened my oils in a long time. At this point I could list it again to let it go, or re-work it.

I did a little research, hoping to paint with acrylics on top of it, but everywhere I read it simply doesn't recommend to do it, which makes sense even if I wanted to do acrylics. So.... I will gesso it, repaint and show you the results later on.
Along with that one I have some other tropical paintings that I had forgotten. Out of sight out of mind....?
What do you think?


Janine said...

That is a great painting, recycled ore not.
I love the recycling idea, we do a lot of recycling in germany.

Magic Love Crow said...

I recycle everything ;o) Very interesting about the painting Martha! I think it's beautiful, but if you are thinking of changing it, go for it!!!

g!oW said...

I recycle almost EVERYTHING.
Would love to see the tropical paintings you mention.
I have added myself to follow your blog and I welcome you to visit mine and follow it too, if you would like.
Wing Dings & More

GlorV1 said...

I do indeed recycle what ever I can. I love that painting, it's great and sure is different for your nowadays painting methods. I like it the way it is. Congrats on being featured.

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!