BEWARE, whinie post ahead! :oP
I guess I'm not the only one that leaves a project half way done, for one reason or another? This year was the time for me to finish many of them. Some projects were left unfinished because they were not going well. Some were fine, just merely left to dry, but then life got in the way and the poor painting got moved to the side and more stuff piled up around it.
And I am finding that sometimes it is hard to restart! Pick up where I left, and get back that idea I had originally. I really don't do much sketching, so if the initial inspiration is gone... it is really gone.
When I am making a doll, it doesn't matter, because the doll will look the way she wants. I hardly have any saying there. I start with one idea, and end up with something completely different. Unless I have a challenge, where it HAS to be one thing or another. I can leave a doll part (usually heads with no hair) and come back to make a body, etc...
But for paintings, I have to confess, it is taking me a long scary while to retake the canvas I left unfinished! Particularly the biggish size, not ACEO. I just look at it and start sweating an get this horrible feelings of going and wash dishes or iron some shirts! That's how bad it is, I'm telling ya!
I am not, not, not going to leave them unfinished. The only solution is grab a muse by the ear, and start painting. The right muse, that is. Latelly I have been visited by all kinds of muses, so many ideas! Remember my old post where I was complaining that I lost my mojo? Well, now I want to do everything at the same time, running in every direction. But I don't want to start on more stuff without finishing first.
What do you all do? Run to the tele or fridge? Start something else? Pile stuff in the closet? Just now I was going to paint, then I ended up coming to the blog because after all.... I had not posted in days. :oP
I have been actually painting new things, but I want to deal with the unfinished ones.
OK I have to go now. There's some funny noises in the pantry... hope to catch a thieve.
Sure enough, it had to be Panzón and not a muse.
You are not alone! I used to be famous for unfinished projects...maybe I still am. Drop by my blog there's something for you :)
Hey Martha ;o) Love the picture ;o) And, the painting will come to you! I find, you can't force things! To be honest with you, I usually dream about my paintings, so as soon as I awake, I write them down!!! Good luck ;o)
I have a Desdemona...not a Panzon who sometimes makes little noises to alert me that I am not paying attention enough. We all need to whine from time to time. UFO's can be our friend. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
You are wicked! Great meeting you and looking forward to seeing more of your art!I always have lots of paintings in progress! X
Oh...there's always a bunch of UFOs around my house! LOL Sometimes I lose inspiration for a painting because I get too many dang interruptions or sometimes the muse just walks away! I spend so much time on the computer, that I've started keeping a painting log with WordPad...making a list of ideas and jotting down the original inspiration not only clears my head and helps me focus, it gives me something to refer back to and, hopefully, recapture my original thoughts!
Panzon is cute!
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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!