
November 18, 2010

WIP painting

Here's where the painting is at this moment:

Hair, face and blouse are different - collaged with fiber paper- now she has an earring. I am working too slow on her, but enjoying it. Actually, working too slow in everything!  Days ago I had the great idea of hurting my back, and it has been difficult to do things. I'm a bit better but good grief, we don't ever thing of our back, until we have a pain and can't do a thing. Perfect excuse to skip the cooking :oP


Joji said...

Get better quick. Love the new Frida.

Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Martha;o) The painting is looking great! Please get better! I find with back pain, ice helps ;o) Take Care!

Campbell Jane said...

Get well soon! I suffer with back pain too and it's no fun. I love seeing pieces in progress. This one is gonna be great!

jcsvisuals said...

Thanks for sharing your process and I understand back pain is no fun...

GlorV1 said...

I hope you feel better soon. The back is nothing to mess with and having pain is no fun. Your piece looks pretty good and looking better. Great job. Have a wonderful weekend.

Ayala Art said...

Thank you all!! Yes, the back pain is plain ugly. I am better little by little. I always have to be careful but sometimes I forget :oS

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!