
February 17, 2011

Drum roll please!

Well, I decided to not use the random number website, so I made my little papers and with the help of my kid we had the 3 prices selected, only that I can't find the silly disc thingy of the camera... so well, no picture for this :o(  gggrrrr! (I'll worry about that later) For now I am pleased to post the names of the 3 winners! Plus other 2 extra winners for nice postings!
(Happy loud music in the background)

Mermaid doll:  BrendaLea, the Prpldy of US

Hands: leikkaan of Finland

Mermaid ACEO: marit  of Netherlands

And the extra winners:

Scruffy ACEO: Sean, for daughter who had a fire in her house... Hope she likes this art card, who is from a little fighter who won our hearts.

Kitty ACEO: to cal_rubies, because she said something so nice that made my heart happy. Everybody's posts were nice, but some touched me more.... you know what I mean.

I will contact each person to get their address.

A big THANK YOU so much to all that participated! (tossing confetti in the air here, while happy music fades out) Last one leaving gets to clean the mess... bye!

P.S. read THIS!!!  It was not "goof bye" it is a "see you next time" ...don't miss it next year yaay!


Magic Love Crow said...

Yeh to the winners!

Jaime Haney said...

Congrats to the lucky winners!

I know what you mean about some touching your heart... I loved those, too.

Cath said...

Sorry I cannot find your email, but just to let you know you won my door prize. Please get in touch with your mail address,


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Congrats to the winners! ♥

Mervi said...

I'm so happy, love your art!
Leikkaan Mervi of Finland;-))m

Pam of Always Artistic said...

Congratulations to all the winners. Great giveaway! :)

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I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!