
February 3, 2011

Just say no...

I decided after thinking about it for a while, that I wanted to get rid of the password code for people that want to come and comment. In all these past 5 years I have only had 3 spam comments, so I would say it is pretty safe to say, I won't be attacked and bombarded by spammers. Even if that was so, I still have the option moderated so I can simply delete, right?
So, that's one more step to skip when visiting me :o)
The one thing that drives me crazy is when the verification code is in a separate area, so you post, click, and then it comes with the code... by then usually I am closing my window and there goes my text! agh!
For those that want to keep the code, make sure your option for having the window and the code together are there. Easier for impulsive clickers like me :o)

Don't forget to join my OWOH blog event giveaway <--- if you haven't done so!

HapPy cHiNesE nEw yEaR!


Magic Love Crow said...

Good for you Martha ;o) Anything that makes it easier for you ;o)

GlorV1 said...

I do know what you mean. I did a post on that not too long ago. There are just too many steps on some blogs. Good for you Martha, like Magic says. Tee Hee. Have a great Friday.

Textile and Stitch said...

ahhh, I know! I've totally lost comments before and been like, "oh well, I'm not doing it over again!" :)

Pam of Always Artistic said...

Way to go Martha, so easy to comment!

kbos2hm said...

3 spammers wow you beet me i get about 30 to 50 a day probalby becuase i dont use catcha or what ever it is called or in blogspot world word verefication i knida got use to them now they do entertain me time to time i did have a puzzeling one just today im going to blog about it later wherethey dont leave a web address but they leave a name

JDConwell said...

I believe I'll do this too--or at least check to see how mine works. I'm sort of a Spam-o-phobe, but it stinks to jump through all those hoops during my morning blog...

Kim Vanlandingham said...

Hmm..I've never even checked my spam folder. I guess I need to do that.

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Thank you...I agree with you...things are complicated enough in our daily lives and these hoops are just exercises to see if you can type...I have brain issues so just typing recognizable words is difficult enough :O)! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

manomij said...

Yah nice and easy does it for me! Good on you.

Mary in Oregon said...

Good deal Martha! I've recently done away with the verification code on my blogs, too. Hoping it makes things more 'user friendly'. So far, spam hasn't been a big problem.

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!