
August 31, 2011

Day of the Dead ghost girl

I usually paint with a bunch of colors, at least 4 colors just in the eye alone :o) But Tamara from Willowing, in her youtube video had a challenge about a limited pallet and since I had just rediscovered some 4x4 canvases I had packed away (me and my mad organizing sessions lol) it was the perfect chance to paint something quick and with not too much detail like my ACEO since my thumb is not too happy to participate yet.

Here's my little ghost with a heart girl:

I like how ghostly she looks, but then again, I could just keep going!
My goal today is working on wood, another of the treasures I found in the same box. I feel like Christmas, I'm telling you! XoD
Why do the muses hit me when my thumb is still sore? I got rid of the brace because it was driving me nuts! So far I'm managing. I even made a little video for the doll blog if you want to see it HERE and that is the last of the dolls and team projects I had for this year. wow.... I don't think I will be getting on so many teams at the same time! But I enjoyed it for the most part :o)

Have a nice, colorful, creative day!

August 24, 2011

oil painting Day of the Dead

What do you think? I think I am done. I could keep going but I will stop at this point :o)
The hair is different of what I am used to in oils. And Iwas still thinking of doing the Frida Kahlo uni-brow...

The colors are a bit off in my monitor anyway. She is not as pink in person. I love polka dots :o)

August 22, 2011

Day of the Dead WIP and tip

More pictures of the painting I am re-working on:

Painting Tip: When you are not sure about what to add, and unsure about how it is going to look, take a picture and printer. I have card stock to do so and be able to paint on it (which regular print paper does not always allow. WIth oils, I really don't like to mess up wet on wet, and wait...So it is helpful to see before hand.

Option A, option B... Option C?
And since I was going with the blue oils, I started to splash another piece... But that's another post :o)

August 21, 2011

We have a winner! ! !

Congrats to the winner! I made a video, and the music goes perfect with the agility of my hand right now lol
Thank you all! You made this anniversary a lot of fun!

.... So, who won!??

August 20, 2011

Day of the dead/ Dia de los Muertos Art

I like the more whimsical side of "DoD" art. I don't like grotesque or scary images, but for this season of fall, harvest, celebration of ghosts, spirits and the dead... I like the cute skeletons, which of course  I love to mix with a spun-full of Frida Kahlo flavor!
This is the one painting I have been working on, slowly, as my hand doesn't allow for much this week.

It was hard to start painting on it but I had an idea in my mind to do a Day of the Dead painting, after finding an image in my files of an old painting I made years ago:

August 18, 2011

No idea how to call this post. . . .

I have a few updates, a reminder and some news. New news and old news, that is...

As for updating, well, I finally and "with a little help of my friends", changed the name in my art page in facebook.  When you click on it, confetti will fall all over your room, and firecrackewrs will go in the sky. OK, maybe not, but sounded fun, right? Nevermind. So now the URL is this:

No longer will have the long string of numbers after the name, and I didn't include the "Dolls" part just to make it easier. Thanks Diane Clancy and Cris Melo, fabulous artists and wonderful people.

The reminder part of this post: There's still time to participate in my blog giveaway! yaay! Click HERE for the original post, I will be selecting a participant to win one of my paintings, the picture is there too :o) 

My new news is that I re worked on a canvas that had me wishing to do something to it for a long time, but I have been so in love with my acrylics, that I had not touched my oils for a long time.  I finally went for it and this is where I am in that painting: Color is richer, more painterly and movement in the brush strokes

WIP re-worked

It was like this, the background a bit pale and at the time I wanted to make the image with less detail and shadows, but I was not happy. She was also missing the big uni-brow :oP

Old look
I will work on more shadowing next, and highlighting the leaves. (ツ♥)

August 16, 2011

Working on a commission: Done!

Here's the finished commissioned painting. I am very happy the way it turned out


  Unfortunately the colors are not exactly as in person. Try as I did and still I couldn't catch the right way, but it looks very nice in person.

August 11, 2011

Blog Anniversary Giveaway!

Wow, can you believe it's been 6 years of blogging now?? I can't. Seems like it just went too fast! I want to thank all the wonderful people that come and visit my little blog, that have become friends in the distance, and that have been letting me share a bit of me and the things I like to do most, which is playing with paints and clay.
 ♥Thank you!☺

To celebrate I want to have a giveaway. A pretty paint on wood made by me, will go to one  lucky winner from anywhere in the world!

* You have to be a follower of this blog.

* Any friend from any country can participate. You can do one, or 2 or all of the following:

* Post a comment on this post, and that will be 1 chance to be a winner
* Like" my facebook page HERE and that's a 2nd chance to be a winner(post again to let me know)
* Subscribe to my youtube channel HERE for a 3rd chance to win (and come back to tell me here!)
* Blog about it, and that will be a 4th chance! (Come and post it too)

** If you blog about it and more people come to visit, even if you were not the winner, I will select a second name (from the bloggers list) and will send you an ACEO card :o)
Giveaway will run from tomorrow right now till August 21st, sometime around noon pacific time.

If you want to copy and use this little icon for your blog, you are welcome to it:

How about that?
Oh... I almost forgot the image of the painting!
 Here it is.....
6x12 inches

Good luck everyone, and thanks for stopping by!

UPDATE: Thanks for all your posts! Make sure there's a way for me to contact you back! There are some members that do not show a blog or a way to contact them if they win!

August 8, 2011

Working on a commission

Time is funny... some days it goes just too slow, like dripping amber from a tree. And some other days you blink and a whole week has passed. Wonder why's that? Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

I have been working on a commissioned painting. This is a little detail of the background:

It looks a bit lighter in person, but then again, all monitors show images a little different. I am very happy with the texture and the colors. There's a whole family in the painting so i have been busy with my paint brush.

And there's my blog anniversary coming up! Keep an eye open, I will be having a Painting Giveaway!