
April 28, 2012

Linky is up!

I just installed the Mr Linky for all to start adding themselves to the 29 faces challenge (look up to the right button/tab)

For the new people: Write a first introductory post in your blog, tell people what the challenge is, what you are doing etc AND use the label 29 faces. Post it.
THEN click on that label in your post, (it will take you to another blog page) then you copy the URL from your browser top and paste it here in this blog's Linky

The link you post will take the readers to ALL your individual challenge's posts. This way we only post one link, and have all our 29 postings showing!. (^._.^) 

tip: If you want to have it in a menu button, then you need to open a "Page" copy/paste that same URL (the whole thing) and save. You have to of course add the pages widget in the blog, but that will bring separate post to that button/tab.
You don't have to do this last step, that's only in case anyone wants to add a tab in their blog.

This time around I won't be adding other people's art to the Pinterest. Between the changes they made, and the time it takes to add every single work, it's not convenient.

 ....OH! I almost forgot! I finally was able to finish the video of Mr happy Frans:

I had to go back to the OLD movie maker, because the new one "Live MM" is just unusable (I'm being polite here...) After several frustrating days, adding things to it, adding some more patches etc.... it still wouldn't work.

But he is done, happy and uploaded, and ready for the Giveaway celebration HERE

Hope to see your faces soon!! This is so exciting!!

Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter

April 26, 2012

The 29 faces video

Hey there! I was able to put together a slide show (the video part is still not working)
So here are all the paintings and drawings I made:

If you want to be part of my giveaway visit this link HERE
Ends May 1st

April 25, 2012

Time to Celebrate! Giveaway

I just learned that this particular artwork (not mine, but the original Modigliani made in 1919) was sold at at Sotheby's last year at around 5 million dollars. Wowsers!

But this Mr Frans Helens here (that's the name of the portrait)  was looking a bit too serious. So, since he was going to help me celebrate the "almost 500" blog giveaway, I decided to make him more festive.... Doesn't he look happier and more like a Fiesta??

Here's the deal:
To win this painting and celebrate with me, just post here and tell me, Martha, I want to be added to the list.

If you want more chances, post the giveaway banner in your blog, twitter it, post in facebook... wherever you want.

Here's the button if you want to post it in your blog:

Just come again and tell me you posted it, or you are a new blog follower, etc...
 and you'll have your name again added to the list to be the lucky winner 
of the Happy Frans!!    *Winner was randomly selected the 1st of May 2012

I am working on the video of Frans' re-worked painting but what do you know...? My spankin' new movie maker got a cramp and doesn't want to cooperate (can't save my files, after I spent hours working on it... agh!)
But what is life without computer problems... right?

Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter

April 21, 2012

Three ACEOs all done

My three ACEOs made for the Earth Day Challenge HERE Are finished, loaded and... 2 of them gone!
So happy to say that they sold shortly after listed ♥ ♥ ♥



The day to vote is May 1st so keep the page URL handy to vote, you still have 8 days to join and participate if you want to also!

And last but not least.... are you getting ready for the 29 faces challenge? (I will be adding the Mr Linky when the date is closer)
have a beautiful day and thanks for visiting! ♥

April 20, 2012

Woman with braids and 3 ACEO

Here are some pictures of the woman with braids and pots. I made her very colorful! She deserved a lot of attention after sitting unfinished for such a long time :o)

I am also working on 3 ACEOs for the Earth Day challenge in Pam's blog:

I better hurry and finish them!

More images after the brake....

April 19, 2012

News from Moss

David Sandum ( @DavidSandumArt ) organized again a great world wide art exhibit via twitter in Moss Norway. It is for a great cause: to help women and children in need. The opening night was April 12th with about 130 postcard size art works from 31 different countries. So exiting!

This is one of the pieces I am participating with:

Another view of the wall:
 Pictures by Kristin BrĂ¥ten

I posted it before but here's a close up:

I also sent another one, which I'm afraid I did not scan after it was finished. That was around the time all my equipment started to act up and not cooperating. Ugh.

In other news... I am ready to take pictures of the painting I just finished. I like a smaller size that I can scan for truer colors, but at the same time, i am enjoying so much painting a bit larger too, and have to catch the right light and time of day.

See you soon!

April 18, 2012

How to grab the blog button

For those new to blogging, and want to add a button, here is an easy tutorial.
Click on images to make them bigger.

CLICK after the brake for more images on this tutorial!.....

April 17, 2012

Getting ready for the 29 faces in May

Are you getting all excited to start the 29 faces challenge? I am!

tip: Turn off the "captcha verification! it gives people a lot of trouble to post, and we do want people to come and post! How to do it:
1. Go to Design,
          2.> then Settings,
             3.> then Post and comments,
                 4.> then click NO for "Show word verification"...

Voila! "captcha" free!
Select "Moderate always" so no SPAM can sneak in, bur really, in over 5 years of blogging, I have only had like 4 or so Spam attempts.

So far, we have the new blog button on the left. Go ahead and grab it for your blog if you want it, the more people that play the merrier.

There's a new FB group also, for those with no blog, join HERE if you like.
Also, I made a tab up to the right, where next week i will be adding the Linky for all to add themselves and visit each other.
I added instructions, but if you need help please just ask. :o)

Please don't forget to add a label to your blog (29 faces, or something similar but use the same all through the challenge for every post)
Once you make the first post, with your label, THEN click the label, it will take you to a new page, and THAT URL is the one you copy to paste in the Mr Linky.

Remember: While it is good to practice on making a face or using new techniques...  it doesn't have to be human. In fact, it doesn't even  have to be a living thing (rocks, objects...)  ;o)  Let your creativity flow!

 Probably the hardest part of the challenge will be to post everyday!
But we have 2 extra days this time. We can use them in celebrating Mom, or painting our nails while planning the next one :o)

This time around I won't be adding to Pinterest. With all the changes and new options to print, I don't want to get in trouble or stress anyone. Better keep it simple :o)

See you soon!
Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter

April 16, 2012

Finished painting

Just to recapitulate... Remember the Frida I mentioned HERE ?
Well, this is the finished painting. I was done long time ago but not scanned. I am slowly but surely check-marking my to do list :o)

I don't know about you, but I always love to see up close the tiny details in a painting! So here is a close up detail....

And this is a picture shows a previous layer (acrylics on 12x9 watercolor paper):
I feel sad for the painting at the first steps, as they look so furlong without the eyes.

And... hold on tight to your pencils and brushes!! Since so many people are inquiring and are interested in doing again the 29 faces challenge, well, let's do it again!
Prepare to attack those canvas, papers and journals, because in MAY we start the 29 faces II. It's Mother's day/month, but you have 2 spare days to wiggle around and still work on this challenge.
I will be posting the icon/button soon!
Thanks for visiting ♥

April 14, 2012

Finally Modigliani #4

In my efforts to finish this piece, I completely forgot to get the camera. Can't ever win can we? ;o)
This is the finished painting on this challenge, which the picture is a bit blurry, but I was too lazy to go find the tripod. The eyes are very dark and half defined in Modigliani's art. I like the way he makes them, but I just can't make myself go that way :oP
I have to have so much more detail and layers when I paint eyes! For now, they will stay like this, just for practicing his techniques and style, but I will come back with a revamp my way! :o)

And this is the pencil drawing, after I added a little bit of texture with gesso

Once I have the 4 paintings re-worked, I will post them and start the "almost 500 giveaway"!

Thanks for visiting and keep those paintbrushes wet!
Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter

April 12, 2012

When it rains....

.... it pours!
My mind has been as scattered as a spill of mercury (have you seen the mercury droplets?)
So far I have not managed my last Modigliani painting, I just have it in pencil. Too many things happening, most of them not good.
But I am gathering my thoughts and coming back to my usual nutty self, and soon will be posting more art.

I will challenge myself by posting these goals, so I will be totally embarrassed if I don't do it (-J-) ho ho ho

*Finish the last Modigliani
*List all the pieces I have ready
*Finish the 2 videos I have half baked
*Come back to blog often. It is good for the soul :o)

That should be challenging enough.... Oh!

*Organize the giveaway!!! This actually should be like the first item in the list!

For now I will show you a rose from my garden, taken yesterday, kind of droopy with rain drops. Very apropos with my mood of late :oP

And this other is after I played with filters:

May your day be bright and your night full of stars ♥
Thanks for coming over to visit and see you all soon!