
June 2, 2012

June is for men!

So, fathers day is coming... men all over the world will get cards, a hug, a tie (Oh no, that's for Christmas hahaha)

OK, well, June is the month for men. Why not honor them with art?

I challenge you, particularly the "yous' that don't get to make manly faces...
Lets make at least ONE guy a week.
No rules! Any media, any experience level, any substrate, number of pieces, any style...
Size doesn't matter either.  Really ;oD
 From ACEO size to the biggest paper canvas or wall you feel like painting!

So, get to paint, draw, doodle!
Make 4, 10, or 29.... practice, visit others bloggers, and make guys for the month of June!
Grab the blog button if you want it, add yourself to the Linky (just like the 29 faces label) and play along!

The Linky to other participants is here (I hope it works!)


Cahos' Chaos said...

Can't wait. Got the info on my blogspot. Thanks!

Gina said...

WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!""" are such a push over Martha lol...Thank you for yet more inspiration :D XXX

Ayala Art said...

\(ツ♥)/ heheheh

Ayala Art said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the inspiration! I'll be joining in the fun again. :-)

Chris said...

Ok I NEVER draw men so this is just the challenge I need Ayala....brilliant :)

Maria Ontiveros said...

oooh, I think this one I can definitely do! I think I'll focus on some of the soccer players in the Euro. Thanks for the inspiration.

Gina said...

Sorry Martha, added wrong link first time...could you delete it please :D XXX

Cherie said...

I'm in!! I've got a couple ACEOs! Thank YOU!

manomij said...

Ouch I am just catching up with the 29 faces, what are you doing to me hehe. I will shout about this soon. Just wanted to say a big thank you!!!!

Ayala Art said...

heheh XoD you could make 1? maybe 2? I bet they will look awesome!

Ayala Art said...


Ayala Art said...

yaay! you are more then welcome!

Magic Love Crow said...

Martha, where do you come up with these things? You are clever ;o)

Ayala Art said...

Where...? In my chair! lol XoD I don't know, I guess i have a restless brain! Thanks!

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Even though I won't be joining you *this time*, I wish everyone great fun and many lessons in this challenge!

Giggles said...

How the heck did I miss this!! Sounds fun!! Can they be animals?...teehee!!

Hugs Giggles

Ayala Art said...

Nope hehehe only human males. It is a push to our limits, as it takes me forever too.

Pam Hardy said...

Great idea to challenge yourselves!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!