
September 30, 2013

Last day, did you make it?

Even if you only made a couple, or not even 10... you still learned something by participating in this challenge.
I did not finish all my faces, just a few, but I had great fun, still am! Visiting blogs slowly, and meeting new people. We can always enjoy a new friendship!

I am posting a bonus face WIP. A little ACEO:

These are my daughter's faces to finish her 29. She has been having so much homework, the last thing she thought of was making a complicated  face. I loved the ones she had made already but you know how it goes when we don't like something... she didn't want to scan them. Oh well :o)

September 29, 2013

The last few...

As we come to another end of the 29 faces challenge, I feel a mix of sadness and relief ;oP  Relief because some days it was a struggle, even if a fun one, not only to make my face but to post and to run the 3 sites (public page, private group and blogs... plus not to mention reality and family) specially in the very beginning. But then at the end, when it is running like a well oiled machine, I can really enjoy it, it is fascinating! But things come to a conclusion and I confess I will have a huge art withdrawal.

I have seen the growth in participants in their art and style and I am so thrilled and honored to be a witness to that ♥

Visit the huge Linky list HERE to have your daily fix of art, enjoy a new blog, leave them a comment and make a new friend in a far away place.  We have people from Australia, Argentina,  Belgium, Canada, England, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, many places in the US ... Where else? Did I miss your country, let me know!

OK, my two last faces for today: My main goal this time around was to loosen my paint brush strokes.
This first face, is a re-work I'm doing slowly. I have been adding crazy patterns for weeks, on top of a weird portrait that was not going the way I wanted, so after the colorful random patterns I am adding a face that explains at this point why the eyes are in different colors :o)

This second one was started with leftover paints from another work I was doing. I will finish her soon and all the unfinished faces will eventually be posted here in my blog :o)

She resembles my little ACEO girls, but it is a 9x12 watercolor paper.

....hhmmmm maybe I will make some ACEO in fall theme next. (◔‿◔)

September 26, 2013

Four faces!

I made four fast sketches. No details, no thinking or even shadowing.... just quick, that was the purpose. SO it was about 10 minutes in one page.... I think they turned out ok. I did some digital editing, because  the scanner didn't want to catch the pencil :oP

My daughter has a bunch of faces made but not scanned, so I will be posting hers soon :oD I am quite proud ♥
We are almost all done with the #29faces challenge!

September 24, 2013

Super texture

Usually my art  includes a smile, even if a small or mysterious one, but lately, my faces are not smiling. And as much as I love painting eyes, these two paintings today have only dark spots. Maybe in the future I will continue to work on them, depends on the muse.


I am very happy with the texture. Can you believe we are in the last few days of the 29 faces challenge?

September 21, 2013

Sketches and Double trouble

First, 6 fast sketches from my daughter:

Now, after working on the FITW II face back in August, that I turned into a Picasso HERE and HERE and just recently visiting Debbie's Art Life Now blog, I had this intense itch to work on a cubist series. Or at least one piece of a double faces portrait, kind of Picasso, kind of just doodle.

These double faces are double trouble... If I feel more of an itch, I might paint them, or most likely paint over them ha!

September 20, 2013

Goodies and face number 20

I received this in the mail the other day:

 It was like Christmas! One is my Face in the World II piece collaboration with Joy and Cheryl (top right) then a gift ACEO from Shelle in a super cute baggy, and it is a girl clown, I love her!, The wrapped card in the bottom in Shelle's card for me to work on, in a team with Down.

Said card is my face for today. Before and after:
I worked on the eyes, hair and body.

Also, my Frida painting arrived in Greece, so I was very happy about it ♥
That's all for now. How are you doing in your 29 faces so far?

Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter

September 18, 2013

Burst of Color

I like how simple this first face is, almost monochromatic:

These are pages in my little journal:

So far these are 19 of 29 :o)

September 16, 2013

Bunch of faces for 29 faces!

Running late....
Here are a bunch of faces. I think mine are horrid today, and definitely need lots of more work, like the one with purple hair, that poor thing is hideous, but nothing that more paint can't fix.
That goes to tell you, there is no failing, just need of more layers ha!


And these made by my daughter.... Frida and a skeleton

September 13, 2013

Friday 13

I might be a bit superstitious for some things, but this date Friday 13 really is not one of them. It actually, so far, has been a very pleasant day, compared to the last few weeks I been having. Knock on wood! (◠‿◠)
This is the little journal page I was talking about yesterday (the one small planner book I altered) and not sure if I will write something in the other side... I kind of like just images.

This are small pages, about 6.5 tall and 4.5 wide, more or less.
You don't have to post finished pieces, as you see, this lady here is just a sketch still.

September 12, 2013

Day 12: One more face

I painted up a storm yesterday!
OK, it was not a storm, it was faces, but you know what I mean right? ho ho ho

This is how this one started:


I am very happy with the result! It is hard for me to keep a loose brush, so it was challenging and so exciting!  This is the first page in my new larger journal ♥

I made a small book to use for my 29 faces but so far I have not done more than one there,  will be posted tomorrow, along with all the other ones.

Can you believe we are almost at the end of the second week?

This is my 2nd post for today, the other one is a blog tip HERE (Blogger not letting people connect to post)

Blog problems

For those in blogger/blogspot you probably noticed they had some issues showing a little yellow window saying :

"You have logged out from another location. Do you want to log in again?
Yes, I want to log in again."   

And it has been stuck on that, even if you log or re-log and clear cache etc...
Scary, annoying, frustrating....

TIP: The only thing that worked for me (after trying other browsers, deleting cookies, closing, restarting, etc) was to go directly to their homepage  

and sign in from there.That worked for me.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you are lucky! :oD

They are having the problem, it is not on your end (or mine, for that matter!) Seems like while changing programs or updating stuff, it's been months of this going on to some users... then another group of users, chances are, it will affect all eventually.
So if it happens to you, just keep this post as a reference.


September 10, 2013

29 faces and Face in the World II

These are the 4x6 pieces I worked on for the FITW II and I am using them for my 29 faces post. Today I made a video, took me forever and I will show the painting tomorrow, but the video will be for the class I was invited to teach in the Soul Food, as an appetizer, eye candy :oD turned out pretty, if I may say so myself ;oD


To the left, started by Magic Love Crow in Canada, I added the girl and mailed it to Shelle in Australia. The one right started by Cheryl A. and "Picassoed" by me.

This lady in blue was started by Joy Redington in the US, then I got it via Cheryl Alt, US too.

The one in the right was started by Dawn Myler in England, and I added the flesh tone and collage. She is on her way to Australia with Shelle K.

I can not even tell you all how much FUN it is to do the FITW, it is nerve wracking to work on someone else's piece but then it gets addictive, and it is awesome to see something I started, going around and having other creative minds add to each. Love it! ♥
I ended up making more teams than planned lol

I how you are having fun with the 29 faces! Visit the Linky HERE and discover ALL the amazing participants.127 so far! Is not too late to join, make this challenge YOURS, do something that makes you nervous, you will not be alone! We all are stretching out of our comfort zone and getting to meet new people!
Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter

September 8, 2013

Old friend Re-Worked

So, I have been reorganizing and downsizing (more like pushed to do so, but that's another topic altogether!) and last night after I packed some and moved some more stuff, I found this oil painting. It was based on a photo I took of an angel I bought and arrived broken. I took the photo to tell the seller and he told us how to fix it.

OK, so I think the painting was ok, but back in those days I didn't know much about highlights and it didn't really have the bright colors I like:

It was literally like the photo, and it was a wooden angel, so the painting looked a bid tired, a bit dark... But me, being me, I couldn't make myself destroy the poor thing.

So, like I was saying, last night I got my oil paints, after years! They are water mixable, and changed the painting a little, can you see any difference?

I added highlights in hair and skin, made the eyes more alive, and I still will add more lavender to the wings and a bit of pink in the face:

I am liking how it pops out of the blue sky there....
Excuse the beige background, it is the tiled counter :oP
I didn't use an acelerator to dry fast, so now it is sitting there with a "wet paint" on the mantle ha!
Well, how are you doing in your 29 faces so far?

September 7, 2013

2 clay faces, day 7

Just a quick post of 2 polymer heads. Thye are nor perfect, not one bit.... but it was fun working on them when I did.

September 6, 2013

Splish Splash

The challenge here was to keep a very lose brush. No idea if I will go over it and add paint, but it was refreshing to just splash and drag painting on my journal page!

What are you daring to try in the 29 faces? What's your challenge? besides posting often, that is! :oD

September 5, 2013

Update and a face

I will show an old face for today!
Laurie sent a picture of where she is hanging the painting she won from my past giveaway:
I made this Modigliani reproduction last year.

Doesn't it look great in that wall?
Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter

September 4, 2013

Day 4,

Good day! I hope to catch up soon! Things got crazy (more?) around here. House. Family. Life. But I guess it wouldn't be called a challenge if it wasn't a challenge for me too, right? Here is my WIP journal face:

These are my daughter's faces so far:
They are from a show called Super Natural.
Hannibal, Abigail, Will from NBC Hannibal. She says "Their faces are really fun to draw"

Are you keeping up? I'm sure I am the only one dragging behind  (•‿-)

September 2, 2013

Holly floods batman!

Hey guys, I have been flooded with 29 challenges emails, that means it will take me a while to sort, answer and fix links, but also unfortunately my email got stuck lol
I got well over 100 emails just the first hours of the challenge and I think my server got mad at me.
So.... be patient, ♥ I will get to you if needed; the notes that do not need an answer will just be posted from the blog, I can't answer for now 'till my yahoo lets me.
If anyone has a problem and it's in FB, please post in the page, I can answer those there wihtout the email tangled in the middle.

Thank you all for participating!
.... Hopefully I will have time to make a better face myself than this one here! :oD

My daughter will be participating as well this time around ♥