
October 9, 2013


Life can throw some weird stuff at us when we least expect it. And sometimes for fun, throws some more when we are down, just to see if we are paying attention.
These past few months have not been nice or easy. As much as I love sharing art, I do not like sharing misery so I'll spare you the details, but let's just say that even in the crappiest of days, we still can find a smile and chose happy if we dig deep enough.

The 29 faces brought me happiness, you all gave me a great deal of art and positive feelings and smiles.
Today is my birthday and that's a good chance to have cake, so here's one huge slice for you all:

Thank you for visiting and thank you for the smiles. And here's to a better year, a better end of season, better beginning of the holidays and better everything.
Health, peace and love.♥


Astera said...

No's my B-day too! Best wishes! I hope that from now on things will turn around and the new year will bring you exciting experiences, lots of love and of course inspiration! A big hug to you, dear. :)

GlorV1 said...

Happy Birthday amiga! Enjoy your day and thank you for the cake. It really looks good. H, P, and love back at ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am late, have all the cake already eaten???
Very much happy to You to the future and thank You again this wonderful month with faces.
Greetings from Finland, Uuna

Ayala Art said...

Happy wishes to you too! ♥

Ayala Art said...

Thanks Gloria! :oD

Ayala Art said...

Yes, there's still cake for you, and a hug! :oD

Pam Hardy said...

Yummy cake... Hope your future is brighter & happier!

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I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!