
November 26, 2013

And the winners are...

We have 2 winners!
This time I don't have a video, sorry. I am still very sick with a nasty cold and my voice is all crackly, not that I can hear myself so well, since my ears are all plugged up too.
And.... on top of that, my blog is not letting me upload any images since last night, so I finally thought of uploading to photobucket and paste it here. Seems like it is affecting many blogs though! Ugh.

But anyway, here are the winners:
  *Robyn won the 4x4 art card in the image, (I need your address to mail it)
  *Clare won the spot in my new class! (I need your email for instructions)

 photo giveawayAyala2_zpsabd50339.jpg
Congrats to both, and thanks to all that participated!


Pam Hardy said...

Congratulations Robyn & Clare!
Hope you feel better soon!

Magic Love Crow said...

Congrats to the lucky winners! I hope you are feeling better soon Martha! Have a blessed Thanksgiving! Please take care of yourself!!!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!