
January 9, 2014

Accidentally deleted Google Page in Youtube

This is a tutorial on how to recover the Google page attached to the YouTube channel.

Google has been making users have a page, but they have a glitch where when the user declines, and later another window pops to accept to get a page again, it makes a new google page for the same channel. It is very common to have 4 or 5 pages with the same name, unknowingly.

Then of course you have to see them in the menu now that you have to use the google page for the channel.

Well, there is a way to get rid of those pages, unfortunately, if you are not sure of what you are doing, you can end up deleting the one page attached to your channel and all it's contents (favorites, history, subscriptions and lists). That is a nightmare.

But, there is a way to recover, kind of hidden, that's why I am showing this tutorial, to help distribute the information and help recover the page and the youtube channel.

Here is the information:

How to delete extra Google pages in a youtube channel-
It has to be done very carefully, as it is really easy to delete the wrong thing!

It is very nicely explained, but the problem is that all those extra pages have the same name, making people accidentally delete the one page that contains all the settings and lists for the channel admin. I did that myself and was so frustrated!

If you delete the wrong page, there's still a chance. It has to be done as soon as possible preferably within the first 12 hours so it doesn't get completely deleted from their servers. At that point, it will not be recoverable.
Click image to enlarge.

Here is how to recover the page: Follow the link and select "I don't know my password". Yes, sounds tricky, but it worked for me. You will need your user name and or the email you use for the youtube channel:

 If things go right, you should end in the google page asking you for extra information for safety. You decide what information you give.
If you get an error page saying "This account was deleted and is no longer recoverable" then you lost all your information.

At that point, you can see if you still have the videos and restart a new channel.

For any other youtube help, follow this link: (it might change URL overtime. It took me hours to find a way to save my own accidentally deleted G page, following many broken links)!forum/youtube

I hope it helps. I know it is very shocking and frustrating to have that happen. Please share this post, hopefully it will save someone from fainting.


Magic Love Crow said...

Martha, this is all so confusing! LOL! Thank you for sharing this all ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

Ayala Art said...

My head is still spinning and my heart pounding :oP

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