
January 30, 2014

Never give your microphone to the troll

I rarely make cartoons, but made this one today because it is the best way to say it:
Click to see larger image.
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Valerie-Jael said...

Good, very original. Valerie

Netty said...

Great fun. Happy PPF, Annette x

Unknown said...

Wow!! This totally sums up my month!! Great cartoon, I love how you/she took power away from her gremlin. Kudos!!

Susan said...

Well said and well done! A nice reminder for all of us.

denthe said...

hahaha! Love this! You expressed it wonderfully! I love how she gets smaller and smaller and in the end is big again. Way to go!

Karla B said...

He he he Love your cartoon!

Giggles said...

OMG THIS IS AMAZING!! l Love it!! I do however love trolls...but heck...not that one!! You need to have it printed out and sell it!! Every artists feels this way at one time or another!

Big Hugs
From a troll lover...but not your guy!

Joanna said...

You have a troll too?! My inner troll doesn't need a microphone, I can hear it whispering to me :(

Great cartoon!

Helen Campbell said...

Great cartoon, and great way to handle that nasty little troll. Happy PPF!

SLScheibe said...

Fantastic! I've had an annoying troll all week. This is a timely reminder that I need to squash him. Super comic!

Linda Kunsman said...

This is fantastic!! Great message too and wonderful drawings.Happy PPF!

alarmcat said...

perfect!! i need to just unplug my troll, too!! they are mean trolls :)

Astera said...

Well said! Bye bye troll! :)
(and lots of people like you, BTW!)

Abigail Davidson said...

How cool!

Ayala Art said...

I hope you were talking to people like the troll hahaha

GlorV1 said...

You should be doing cartoons for your local newspaper. Mail a copy to the editor and let him know you are interested in doing a piece on the cartoon page. I bet he would accept it. You never know till you try. A long time ago when I used to write a lot, I contacted the editor of the San Jose Sun and asked him if I could write a column about the things going on in my neighborhood and about and would send him a copy of what I would write about. He was kind to accept my offer and my write up was mailed to him and he accepted it and gave me a job for 4 columns a month, once a week. So, you never know till you try. tee hee. You'll be famous. Sorry Martha about not joining in for 29 Faces but I may pop in from time to time if it's okay with you. Have a great weekend amiga.

Carola Bartz said...

This is so true!!! I love it, great work!

Ayala Art said...

Aw, thank you Gloria, that is so nice! But like I said, I rarely make cartoons anymore. I draw everyday but not lke that. This is probably the 1st in about 5 years ha!
You are more than welcome and invited to pop in the challenge whenever you can ♥

Faye said...

Wonderful cartoon, Martha. I admire anyone who can make cartoons. I go for the comics page of the newspaper first thing every day. Yours makes a lot of sense. The trolls are out there. We just don't have to let them have a voice.

Unknown said...

oh how great is this work!!! love it!!!! Happy PPF!!!

Christine said...

fun piece today!

Janine said...

Damn right!
You better listen to your muse!

Irene Rafael said...

Amen. Love your cartoon.

MangaMem said...

Strangely relevant to the mood I've currently been under. Now to just wrestle that microphone back.
Have a wonderful day!

Ayala Art said...

you are bigger and brighter than the troll! ♥

Pam Hardy said...

So cute! Good job with it! Looks like it was a fun project to do!

DVArtist said...

This is so cool. Looks like you had a good time creating this.

Unknown said...


Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! Very cute ;o)

froebelsternchen said...

That's so cool and encouraging Martha! Fab!

manomij said...

This is wonderful Martha and I am glad you linked this to Paper Saturdays! ManonX

Annabelle said...

Haha…very funny! Sounds of the past : )

Annabelle xx

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!