
February 23, 2014

Day 23, strident yellow

I have been finishing most of the faces I started but I also have been dealing with a family full of ill people and they got me again... I have a cold and a totally stuffed up nose. Agh!
Anyway, here's my face for today!
Screaming yellow! And blue, which turns in awesome aqua in some spots, green in others. :oD

I also have this little face that popped from a black paint brush. And I worked on more layers too:

That's it for today, I hope you all are having nice weather or at least bearable ♥ if not... then you can visit more blogs for the 29 faces challenge! lol

Check my available art and online classes


Lorraine said...

love that yellow

Sirkka said...

Yellow cheers up! Cute girl the last one, there you have done more "finishing":) Lovely.

GlorV1 said...

Hi Martha. Sorry you are ill. Take vitamin c. Love your little girls and the yellows. Have a great day.

Maria Medeiros said...

I hope you all fully recover!! my children and hubby are sick too. I've been making chicken soup, we have the humidifier going and doses of tylenol and advil going. Let us all recover and feel better soon!!! I can't believe its almost complete. This challenge is wonderful! I love your pieces! :) Feel better soon!!

Magic Love Crow said...

Fantastic Martha! Get better soon ;o)

Ayala Art said...

It looks happy, doesn't it?

Ayala Art said...

Yes, C and Zink and Zicam and all the stuff... I'm better, thanks!

Ayala Art said...

Isn't that the worse? when ALL of them get sick at the same time... I think it better if we all take turns hahah
Thank you!

Ayala Art said...

Thanks Stacy! We reached 80 today... that sure helped me get better!

Pam Hardy said...

She's beautiful! Hope you and your family feel better soon!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!