
March 5, 2014


I created a subscription link, so you can get my blog in your email, once a week.
You will get  some weeks one little post, or seven posts in ONE weekly newsletter during the art challenge months.
Sounds interesting? Click and join in the sidebar. No problem, I have no interest in ever sharing your email address, and I only send automatic weekly updates. Nothing else. Not even chocolate ;o)
 If you see this with your cellphone, you will have to find the link "see as website" so you can actually see the sidebar and top menu to subscribe.

this is a sample image

In other news, I am scanning all my finished pieces after the 29 faces, I will start posting tomorrow!

Check my available art and online classes


denthe said...

Oh, looking forward to seeing all your faces finished!

Magic Love Crow said...

I want chocolate ;o) LOL! Martha, will write soon ;o) Keep on smiling ;o)

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!