
March 23, 2014

Not sure if I'd pass this test...

I will start my post by telling you all something sad.
I started the subscriptions for my blog and then never came to post... silly right?
Well, the thing is, our dear and lovable Guinea Pig pet died. Four years of cuddles and joy ended, and we were all too sad.

Also I had like a funny freckle spot in my face frozen, due to too much sun and I was told to avoid sun exposure. Hard to do when you live in the desert... but I always do my best.
That ended in a blister by my cheek, it's mending now, but it was not really inspiring to post or paint.

There was also an uncomfortable situation in one of my FB art groups, with a person  that took me by surprise with a harsh criticism delivered publicly and privately, [ಠ_ಠ] I should not even give it the time of day, but sometimes some comments bother, hurt, annoy.
The sum of all that kept me from feeling creative.

Anyway, I'm here, in a better mood, and hopefully posting something interesting and fun to see.

Here is a page I am making for the Traveling Journal, from Beth's book, I hope she likes it! Her theme is all childhood things:

This one is for my friend Stacy :oD  I don't really know if I would pass the puzzle test ha! That does not sound like a logic thing to me, but yay for the crow!

Check my available art and online classes


Marianne said...

I'm very sorry to hear that your pet died and that your not feeling very well. I hope you will be back to creativity soon!
xxx Marianne

denthe said...

Sorry to hear about your pet. It's amazing how much emptiness these little beings can leave. And so sorry too about that person in your FB-group. It seems some people are only happy when they can criticize others. Don't let it get you down!

alarmcat said...

i hope this week is better for you!!

Magic Love Crow said...

Yeh, my smart, handsome crows ;o) Thanks for the video! I loved it ;o) I am sorry about your pet passing away! Big Hugs ;o) I am glad you are on the mend from your surgery! You know how I feel about those people who said those nasty things! But, I won't repeat it on your blog! LOL! Love what you created on the journal page! xooxo

Pam Hardy said...

I am sorry for your loss :(, Pets are such a part of the family.
I hope all is ok with your freckle... and hope your face heals up fast!
Beautiful journal page!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!