
May 28, 2014

My watercolors need new homes

This is the part 2 of my offerings.  Click HERE to see pastels and Oils.
These old world/folk style Watercolors and also framed acrylics need a new home. Make me an offer plus shipping (the amount depends on where it will go).The colors are a bit off in my photos. If you know of a friend that would like to get one of these, please let them know, help me spread the world? :oD   ♥
*email me in private. I take paypal. They fit a 16x20 frame.

1- Old arch   2- Margarita by the chair
3-Old window with flowers    4- From outside the window

These framed Acrylics were actually for a show with a tropical theme, that unfortunately had lots of tropical rain that weekend and hardly anyone showed up for it, oh the irony!... but the colors are very happy and the frames are very nice.
Make me an offer and add shipping to it. (I will know shipping when I know the location)

1- Girl with calla Lilli   2- Shy behind the plants

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Magic Love Crow said...

Gorgeous images Martha ;o)

Tracey FK said...

you have a fabulously distinctive style... really like girl with calla lilli

GlorV1 said...

These are great. They all say YOU. Happy PPF and they will go fast.

manomij said...

They are all wonderful and it is lovely to see how your work has evolved! ManonX

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!