
May 1, 2014

Work from a couple of months ago...

All these sketches were done for a quick month activity in March, in my FB group. Human body based in photos or the style of the classics. Or, anything people wanted to practice, the whole point was to make the human body and as always I keep it PG13, but if you don't care for partial nudity then skip this post specially past the post brake.
I'm just being overly cautious, I want to keep my blog family oriented   ( -‿- )✌

So, here we go, based on Picasso these fun line art:


And more realistic after the page brake...

This 1st one is out of my imagination:

This was  from a model in an art book:

This came from a detail on a painting

And that's it for now! Have you done whole figure art? I tend to focus on the face only as you probably have noticed :oD
Thanks for visiting!

Check my available art and online classes


Pam Hardy said...

Beautiful Martha!

Ayala Art said...

Thanks Pam, weather got too warm hahaah

Pam Hardy said...


Magic Love Crow said...

Martha, I think you did a great job! They are great! Truly! I've done a crow nude! LOL!
Big hugs ;o)

Ayala Art said...

Wait, what? Oooooh, the crow was ... never mind hahahah XoD
just kiddin' you

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!