
September 29, 2014

29 of 29.... wow!

One more time we come to the end of this crazy marathon... I hope you enjoyed it, and that you discovered something new about your abilities and your art.

This is my last face for #29faces September!

You know you still have tomorrow if you are not done...and also have lots of blogs to visit till February, when we do it all over again!
If you are visiting for the first time and you want to learn how to make a face, I have online classes! Check my links ♥

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September 28, 2014

27 and 28 running late!

Photos for today's faces!
I do not practice enough my photography, which is a funny thing in this time and age when everybody and at all times people are over-documenting their photo-lives with selfies hahaha :oP

Well, anyway, we went out of town and I came across a shop with statues. So beautiful! I wish I had the space for one, and the way to bring it home.... they were so heavy!

This face is No 27:

 And face No. 28 is the image altered digitally:

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September 26, 2014

How to paint rocks with acrylics Face 26 of 29, a rock!

Cute rock painting ideas!
How to paint stones and rocks with acrylic paint♥

Tiny tutorial:
I painted a tiny rock, and I had a blast!
After finding the smoothest and the right color, got my pencil and made a simple sketch, then with one of my tiniest brushes I added flesh tones, hair, and a flower.

Very simple, but I think it turned out cute ♥
There is a quarter next to it for size comparison, but if you are not familiar with it, it is smaller than 1 inch (less than 3 cms.)

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September 25, 2014

Face 25 is abstract.

I am enjoying more and more doing abstracts.
It's been difficult because I love to go into details so much, and I love my tiny paint brushes, but there is freedom in a larger brush and simpler paint strokes.

In this case the flash for the photo changed one of the eyes, but I liked the effect so I left it, didn't correct it so it has an extra effect not planned. :o)

In this 29 faces challenge we are working on techniques and different ways from our usual as an exercise for the mind and hopefully the growth of our art.


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September 24, 2014

No 24 acrylic portrait

I made a video for this one, which will get posted soon, keep an eye over here!
It is a collaborative painting with Jonathan, the Artistic Biker it was so much fun to work in this project!

 Update: Here is the link for the video!

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September 23, 2014

No. 23, charcoal sketch

I usually use charcoal in a different manner, but in this sketch I just made the face and stopped right there. Not even shadowing.

As we are coming to the end of the challenge, I'd like to  know if you have learned something new about yourself, your likes and dislikes. Specially those that are new to the 29 faces.

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September 22, 2014

No. 22 in progress

Work in progress... and making a video of it :oD

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September 21, 2014

No. 20 and 21 faces in my art journal

I love leaving half started pages, then come back days or weeks later and go from there, with different colors and coming from a different idea.
It is very refreshing!
These are my 20 and 21 ... wow, we are getting close to the end!

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September 19, 2014

No. 18, 19 WIP

We went to a concert at the fair last night.... it was awesome! Kansas played, and I have to say they are superb. Period.
But that made me totally forget to post :oP

So here we go, 18 and 19 out of 29 faces.

An ACEO and a journal page. I have been working with rough texture, which is rare for me to do so. Usually I like softer surfaces but this is great fun!

I am leaving this for today as it is, but will finish it tonight.

I need to work on my little shop and Halloween seems to be as good time as any for it :oD

The journal page is showing some steps, most likely I will make it in to a super short slide show ...
Thanks for visiting! And so happy to be featured in this weeks Paint Party Friday!
Sharing with AJJ too

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September 18, 2014

No. 17 is hiding!

One thing I love is making little girl art, and halloween is a fun time to paint them with  funny customs.
Here is this little ghost, with her pumpkin bag ... which has another face! :oD

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September 17, 2014

Keeping up! No. 15, 16...

I made some hallowen ACEO. One is the face for 29 faces but I think the skulls are faces too... what do you think? lol

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September 15, 2014

No. 13 and 14 of 29 faces. Photos

This past weekend we went antiquing to N California and although I didn't find something to buy, I took a few pictures. We were hoping for cooler weather up there, but no luck. It was still in the 100s. The sad part was looking at the water reservoirs, so low!

Well, back to the challenge, for today I have photos of faces digitally manipulated. Something very simple because the faces were already fun to see as they were:


One is a Dia de los Muertos  window display, and the other a beautiful carving in an antique armoire.

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September 14, 2014

No. 12 ... shiny!

This is another of my on going "finish-this-painting-this-year" work lol
Left it on the side for a while, came back and added a metallic layer, flesh tones, eye colors.... and I will be working on the hair soon.

It is acrylics on a 6x4 card.

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September 13, 2014

September 11, 2014


We will always remember where we were, what we were doing on this date so tragic.
The world was never the same, or the way we live after.

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September 10, 2014

No.10 ... hair options

I have posted several times by now about how I make a print of my painting and test  a couple of things when I am not sure what direction to take.... particularly with hair.

So for today, I want to share that part of the process for my face No. 10 in the 29 faces.

I painted on wood (video coming soon!) and made a few different styles to look at and decide.

I love wind blown hair, it is so much fun to paint/draw ... but long "quiet" hair is sweet too. Which will it be?   ;o)

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September 9, 2014

No. 9 ...more texture!

I started this painting some time ago and at some point I lost my direction.
At first I wanted just an abstract, then i started to make one of my bald people.... but then i wanted sweet and cute and it was impossible to change direction and I got stuck.

By leaving the piece alone for a while, I learned it was going to follow it's own path, so I just added paint washes of color to get to this point.
I might give it some stain to show more the cracklings but I am happy with the way it is turning out.

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September 8, 2014

No. 8 with crazy texture

As much as I love texture, this was particularly difficult to deal with :oD
It is very abstracted, and I am sure it is still in process, since I am not totally done playing with it.... The second one is digitally edited:

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September 7, 2014

No. 7 Pineapples!

Lady with pineapples.
This one face I started long time ago and left it on the pile of "for later when my muse returns" Muse returned, she got done. I think it turned out nice, if I may say so myself lol  :oD

The challenge here was to use neutral colors and a limited palette. Since I always use  a bazillion colors, most of them very bright.

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September 6, 2014

No. 6 and more effects

I think I'm liking the digital effects, even if I don't have a fancy app here, but what a different look you get!

Do you have a favorite app?
OH! And the winner of my giveaway is Maria Medeiros! Congrats!

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September 5, 2014

No. 5 and fun effect

So I'm just splashing paint and after I scanned, decided to play with the image too:

Looks to me almost like a cartoon tree with a face ha!

Are you trying new things too?

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September 4, 2014

No. 4 of 29 faces

Another WIP... very happy with the background colors.

Thanks for visiting!

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September 3, 2014

No. 3 of 29 faces

WIP on my art visual journal... I am working on loosening my work and each page is a great opportunity!

I will work more on it later on...

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September 2, 2014

No. 2 of 29

A face for a traveling journal (Anita's) and also for my day number 2 of the challenge

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September 1, 2014

We start 29 faces!

#29faces ... (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) I hope you are planning to play again this awesome challenge!
Here is my face for the first day:
Acrylics on canvas WIP Still needs some details...

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you check back everyday!

Do you want to join but can't make a face? Take one of my affordable online classes!

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