
December 31, 2014

Last post of 2014

In other parts of the world, it is already 2015. How does it look, from there you guys? Let me know! :oD
It is still 7:00 in the afternoon, of the last day of 2014. Which by the way, it is a shocker that we are ending it since we barely started not too long ago! What happened? The months flew fast, for sure.
My goals for this ending year was focusing more into painting, and leaving dolls to the back burner, and take many things from my interests list, in order to center in just painting.
I can say that I was 90% successful in my goals, mainly because since last month I started to miss sculpting so badly! lol

In fact, I worked on a class for the past few weeks and registration is open for my new doll class HERE. (and there is a giveaway due next week!!!)
If you know someone would like to make a doll, please let them know ♥

My word for next year is BE. Hopefully I can be and still focus. Hopefully I can focus and still be :oD     Man proposes and God disposes, right?

Thank you for visiting this blog, thank you for your friendship and support.

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1 comment:

Magic Love Crow said...

Happy New Year Martha! Even though I didn't have a good year last year, it still went by so fast! Holy! Here's to an amazing 2015 ;o) "Be" is a good word ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!