
February 23, 2015

face 24 of 29. Charcoal

The weather was beautiful today! I ran my errands early, some chores and then I went out among some light rain and some sunshine. Beautiful!
So basically I got home and rushed to finish more stuff, one of them being the face of today. I decided on charcoal. I still need to work on the eyes, but since I am aiming at loose brushstrokes .... I will leave it at that and go back to paintbrushes for now :oD
If I start getting into details I will never stop lol


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2 comments: said...

She is so pretty already! I always find charcoal very messy and usually end up covered in it myself :)

Giggles said...

Martha she is so lovely and a great medium for you!! I love her sweet face!! Stunning work that needs nothing more!!

Hugs Giggles

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!