
May 27, 2015

Updates in May

Well... so many things have been going on! Where do i start?

Graduation time... sniff sniff, my younger one finished high school... and it required 100 errands and award ceremonies. Why don't they make all into one? Maybe because they do not want all their audience in a comma by the time they finish... I guess it is better to have them divided in separate interests I suppose...

I have been taping, editing etc a class, plus one that is back at U-thrive yaay!

Also I started to use more the instagram, which is easier to click an image and post from there.... I still love the blog more but it requires me to sit, think, type something more or less cohesive lol and transfer my said clicked images into the computer.
In general, I have been spending less time online, and more time painting.

Anyway, here is a picture of what's on my desk at the moment. One of my art journals, and the beginnings of some tiny dolls: ♥

Excuse my messy desk. I wanted to participate in the 6th anniversary of WOYWW What's on your work desk Wednesday: Congrats! I have participated in the past, always interesting!
Thanks for visiting! This post shared with PPF ♥ too and with Kim here

Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter


Unknown said...

Love your artwork and the wonderful painting going on. Happy WOYWW 6th Anniversary! Sandy Leigh #52

MrsC.x said...

Happy 6th Anniversary WOYWW-er!
heres to many more
Charlie x #35

voodoo vixen said...

Love the painting on your desk, it is wonderful and I am curious as to what you are sewing on the paper plate!! Happy 6th WOYWW to you, what a lovely whirl around the world snooping this is! Annette #15

Ayala Art said...

I actually use the big needle to poke holes in the clay, for my dolls :oD The actual sewing will come last wiht their clothing, but I post more of that in my doll blog

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your painting is gorgeous. You have a way with faces. And it was super that you could join us for this big anniversary bash, too. Can't wait to see how that clay doll develops. Hope you will share it in weeks to come.

Happy, happy 6th WOYWW anniversary from #1.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lovely painting in your art journal and those little dolls really are teeny. I don't know how you have the patience to do it!! I certainly wouldn't.....
Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier, Happy 6th WOYWW,
hugs, LLJ 13 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Happy you chose to participate today. And not at all alarmed by the plate full of teeny body parts! I couldnt agree more about your leisure time- spend more painting and less online, it's definitely better for us and so much more productive - but not easy..I'm as addicted to the blogging as I am to the paper!

Kristiina said...

Love those colours on your painting! Wishing you a great crafty woyww year :)
Kristiina #6

Unknown said...

Your journal and desk look awesome!!!

Robyn said...

Happy 6th! If you can't make a mess you can't make anything. Loe seeing the beginning of things- tiny dolls! keep up updated!
thanks for visiting
robyn 11

Gina said...

Gosh that doll IS tiny!!! But I know it is going to be fabulous :D XXX

Marit said...

I love the painting in your journal! Yes, blogging can take much of your time (especially for me, as I'm not English and have to think harder to write in another language...) but I still prefer it over the other social media. It's more personal I think... Thanks for your visit to my blog earlier. Happy woyww, happy 6th anniversary and a hug from Holland! Marit #43

sandra de said...

Wonderful journal face and those doll parts look really interesting. Looking forward to seeing how they evolve.
sandra de

Robyn Oliver said...

Happy 6th WOYWW, lovely that you've joined in, great crafty artsie stuff going on on your desk Cheers RobynO#14, thanks for visiting my desk

Jac said...

love your space, are those dolls easy to make ? thanks for the snoop

N0 39

Ayala Art said...

Thanks Gina! :o*

Ayala Art said...

Well, not exactly easy, but if you like sculpting, they are a LOT of fun! :o)
Jac, I can't leave a comment in your blog because I do not use google+ but I went to visit.

GlorV1 said...

Hi Martha. Good to see you and awesome goings on as always. You are always so busy. Congrats on son's grad, now the real work begins.:) tee hee. I like woyww as well. I used to do the Wednesdays but only do it from time to time now. Take are and it's starting to heat up.

Valerie-Jael said...

You call that desk messy? No way! Love the journal page, Valerie

Faye said...

Busy, busy time of the year. I like the face in your journal. Such a beautiful portrait.

Deborah Wainwright said...

Great face developing there? Love the shadows, creates so much depth x

Tracey FK said...

graduation seems like it is a huge deal over there, whereas thankfully it is quite subdued over here... and you have soooo much on... it is amazing you get anything done at all!!!

Linda Kunsman said...

Love that portrait in your journal! yes, all the social media can take art time away but it's a matter of finding the balance:)

Ayala Art said...

Yes, they make it so out of proportion here, divided in several days for several things... you would think they finished a master degree or something lol

Ayala Art said...

Around here, there's no such a thing as balance hahahah! More like a sea-saw :oP

Christine said...

Lovely portrait page and it looks like a busy desk! Congrats to your daughter.

VonnyK said...

Love the face you've painted and interesting little body bits. You sure do make a big deal out of high school, they only do that for college here thankfully. Enjoy all the celebrations.

Ayala Art said...

Oh, not me... I kept it as simple as possible, lol ;o) We are all done, thankfully.

SusuPetal said...

Congratulation to the younger one and the proud mama!

Laila said...

Lovely face, and I can see your desk is just as overloaded as mine. LOL can't get enough stash. Thank you for promising words over at my site, can't wait for the class to begin.

GlorV1 said...

Hi Martha. I went to see the video on the burn. Totally awesome. Thank you for introducing me to this artist. I will at sometime do a link or post that video on my blog. I can understand his feelings. It's not a bad idea, a cleansing of sort with old and tattered works of past. I may find myself in the studio within the next few days. Thanks Martha.

Giggles said...

Oh the year of grad is insane alright!! Congratulations to your youngest! Lovely journal and love seeing you on instagram!

Hugs Giggles

Blogoratti said...

Great work you got going...hope it ends beautifully. Best wishes!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Your desk is fascinating with so much lovely stuff to mooch through. thank you for sharing it with us and for your visit to my blog this week. Have a good time with those graduations ceremonies. xx Maggie #8

denthe said...

You sure have been busy, it's good you find some time to do art in between. My workdesk always looks like that ...

Julie Lee said...

I haven't participated in WOYWW for ages! I love your journal portrait and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your little dolls. xx

Beth Niquette said...

Wow! You are so busy. I love your art desk and your artwork is lovely.

Nordljus said...

Love those vibrant colours in your journal page!

Kim Dellow said...

Wonderful face! I can't wait to see the tiny dolls, you will come back and link it up when you have done the doll faces? I think they will be very inspiring seeing faces in a different dimension :) Thank you for linking up to Show Your Face this week. Kx

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I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!