
June 25, 2015

Journal page

For SOC 3rd week, I have this journal page lady.
Somehow my lavender looks pinkish, but in person is lavender, purple and yellow, plus my charcoal pencil. She is one I started in 29 faces and I know for sure it will keep evolving. ;o)
I have been welted in this heat, today we will reach 107F / 42C. All this week we have been hot... I think I want to visit the Southern Hemisphere at the moment :o)

Update: turned out we reached 109 :>O
But I made an awesome banana shake :oD

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Tammie Lee said...

oh my goodness, that sounds so hot and we are heading there this weekend.

she is lovely

Kristin said...


Valerie-Jael said...

Really beautiful! Happy PPF, Hugs, Valerie

Abigail Davidson said...

Lovely sense of mood with the color!

froebelsternchen said...

Sooo hot .. gosh! Your face is wonderful !
keep cool!

Giggles said...

We are heading into heat this weekend...not fun. Trying to hydrate ahead here! Very pretty!

Hugs Giggles

Laila said...

Lovely. We're still cold here in Norway, this seems to be the summer that never showed up.

PaintingWrite said...

She's lovely and on my screen it does look lavender! Funny I just came from Gloria's blog where she was also saying it was around 105 degrees - I can't imagine that temperature. Here we're still struggling to get into double figures (in centrigrade) it's wet and cold and like summer forgot all about Scotland. I guess that's climate change for you.

Unknown said...

Love your art.She has such a wonderful expression.Too bad about the heat.We get the same kind of temperature here too.Thankfully we now have monsoon/rains.What a relief.Happy PPF!

Blogoratti said...

Mesmerizing, like an early sunrise.

Sharon Fritchman said...

Your banana shake sounds delicious. I hope that it cooled you! . . . and that you survived that heat yesterday. WOW! I love what you created using this week's SOC colors. She is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing her with us. HUGS!

Rolina said...

Lovely work, I hope you are managing to keep cool!

SCarol said...

Love the expression on her face. My goodness, that is HOT!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

She is gorgeous, and I love the peacefulness she exudes. Blessings, mi amiga!

ULKAU said...

.. a wonderful portrait in these colors! Ulrike

minnemie said...

Beautiful face. She does seem to feel the heat as well;-)

Susan said...

Beautiful! Not sure if the color evokes the mood or the sketch. Interesting

Gina said...

Serenity with a hint of sadness...beautiful :D XXX

My name is Erika. said...

Lovely sketch. She looks so sad which makes purple (a sad color to me) so appropriate.

Faye said...

Your face is beautiful, Martha. Your temperature is unbelievable!

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

A wonderful face, I can send you some cooling rain!

Love and hugs

Linda Kunsman said...

she is gorgeous-she looks so rested and peaceful!!

Valerie said...

Nice drawing!

GlorV1 said...

Ooooh Wee Martha!!! That is hot. Our temps reached 102 and right now it's 99. I want to move away from here. Unfortunately that's not going to happen, so I stay inside with my air conditioner and wear nothing, well almost nothing.:) Great face. I'll take that cooling rain that Maarit is sending you.:)

Indira said...

Elegant lady! Nicely rendered.

sue :) said...

Very serene and peaceful piece, lovely work. x

bellefrogworks said...

oops - don't know what I did here but my comment disappeared. So - beautiful lady and you are hotter than we are on the South Carolina coast - we have reached 100F but not every day. It's been over 90F for the past 2 weeks though.

Ayala Art said...

She lives about 4 hours north from here... all the Valley is extra hot this year!

Jo said...

My goodness! I cannot stand 100 . I cannot imagine 107 or 109. Love your faces as always.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

How very beautiful and pensive she looks. Lovely, lovely.

It's been hot and dry in the midwest of the US this week, too. If you head to the southern hemisphere, I'll join you!

Carol Rigby said...

A lovely page. It is sometimes difficult to pick two shades that show up different when photographed. You can just about see the difference in my two choice of purples.

Gloria j Zucaro said...

I love the colors and she looks very pensive, as if she is sorting out a problem. Good portrait.

itsamistry said...

She looks so peaceful. Anita - Itsamistry Design Studio #82

Fallingladies said...

I love banana shakes! But that is just too hot for me!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I wanted to thank you for stopping by to see my airport photos. There is a Google glitch in the comments the way I have them set up, which is using a pop-up box. However, you don't have to do anything except leave a comment, then hit "publish." Google is trying to play tricks on us, is all.

Ayala Art said...

It is too hot for everyone! :>O

Lorraine said...

That's a beautiful portrait. It brings to mind Eva Peron. Wonderfully done!

Jennifer Rose said...

42C! o.0 that is insane

very well done page :)

Kim Dellow said...

Just beautiful, she looks lovely in her quiet reflection. Gorgeous. Thank you so much for linking to Show Your Face. Kx

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Wonderful portrait! Love what you did with the SOC colors.

BJ said...

And I thought it was hot here in the UK! Super lady. BJ

JKW said...

The purples give the painting a certain flair to it. All sorts of mystery going on there. Blessings, Janet PPF

Magic Love Crow said...

She is beautiful!!! Take care in the heat! Banana shake, yummy!

mandysea said...

She looks like she's wearing a lavender veil over her eyes... she's beautiful.
Definitely you need to be here in the Southern Hemisphere - we have a big log fire going!!

Pam Hardy said...

She's beautiful! I am so behind in my blogs, catching up!

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I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!