
September 30, 2015

Day 29, DoD day of the dead art

This is the continuation of my art collab with Sal, the video is coming soon with more details!

I just wanted to post the painting as my last face of the 29.
Well, I hope everyone had fun, and even if there was stress and frustration, we still discovered something new by pushing a daily time to do our art. :o*

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SusuPetal said...

She looks awesome.

Thanks once again for hosting the challenge, it's been so fun!

Anonymous said...

Thank You very much for this interesting challenge. Even I fall down and heart my leg I painted all faces. This was fourth time to me.

I bromice to try my left hand :-)
Your drawing is very lively and this last painting is funny and it suits just to the last painting.
We'll see february :-)))

Kix said...

A fun, interesting painting! - It was nice to take part in the 29 faces challenge. Thaks for that!

denthe said...

Oh yes, I had fun, I think most of us did :-) Thanks for creating this challenge!

Ms Misantropia said...

I love this! My man said I should do some DotD art for this challenge since we both love it, so I just might join you :)

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!