
September 6, 2015

Day 6. Painting details in the human face.

When I started to work on Visual journals, I had no idea I was going to like it so much.
There is certain kind of magic to go back and find a page to finish, or to add something else, and leave it for more later on.
In this page I worked some more in some layers I had left for months, and it felt good to make a face, and add many more details.

It is almost 1 week already! A How are you doing?
And in case you are new to it, here are the links, info, button etc...
to sign up go to #29faces challenge!

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denthe said...

She has such a sweet face. Love the different colours you've used.

Merlesworld said...

I find it very interesting to see what you will come up with.

Lisabella Russo said...

Oh she's lovely! Her eyes have a wonderful depth.

Janet Ghio said...

Darling face!

Laney said...

Lovely use of color and such emotion in her expression.

Kix said...

I love Your painting. It is so delicate and appealing.

Life moments said...

This is really you, your style! <3

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I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!